[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Since I may have come off as a jerk, and I apologize if I did. I recommend getting Shadowrun. I was in the beta and it is just a load of fun. It reminds me of Counter-Strike but with magic. The single player campaign is nothing to ride home about. It is 6 training missions with bots. But this game is all about the multiplayer. It's kind of a shame that there are only 9 maps in the retail product, but we may get more through downloadable content, but I am not getting too excited since FASA is closing shop a little bit after they get Shadowrun out the door.Staryoshi87
Thanks shock, I just went out and rented crackdown due to a lack of used copies at my game stores :( I'm downloading the beta now ;) I also preordered shadowrun, as it's taken the place of Forza 2 as the next game I'll get. Thanks for the insight... and IM sorry if I came off as ovesensitive =P I didn't really think much before making that poll, and its not up to my usual standard of poll-awesomeness.. The meat of the post was if crackdown was worth buying, which I have decided it isn't (Too bad I couldn't get it used...it would have been a free rental in effect). Now, lets all group hug =D
Crackdown is a great game. I played it a lot during launch and then I quit for a while, but the downloadable content has really breathed life back into the game. It's just a blast to run around the city and think of crazy stuff to do once you max out your abilities. Don't spend too much time on the Halo 3 Beta, because Crackdown is a really fun game, and the achievements are super crazy.
I also decided to get Shadowrun over Forza 2. I was going to get Forza 2, but lets just say I wasn't very thrilled with the demo. I'll just play Shadowrun until The Darkness hits later in June, because that game looks excellent.
It's all good man. Maybe I was just pissy today and posted something that came out stupid. Group hug, lol. :)
Enjoy Crackdown! :)
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