What (360) game are you playing right now?
I'm replaying Gears of War, and I'm finding myself surprised at how good the graphics look in this game, even 3 years later.
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resident evil 5.trying not to spend any money throughout the game and saving all the jewels so i can use them at the end to upgrade my weapons. and then get infinite ammo.then go through veteran.
Currently, I've been playing a lot of Tales of Vesperia. Hopefully I'll borrow a copy of Wanted:WoF from a friend.
Currently playing Chronicles of Riddick. Just beat Butcher Bay and Im going to be starting Dark Athena today. I'll probably pick up Godfather 2 this week as well.
I'm trying to get all the normal trials for SF4. I'm also playin guitar hero: Metallica, and I'm replayin Gear of War 2 on insane.
I'm trying to get all the normal trials for SF4. I'm also playin guitar hero: Metallica, and I'm replayin Gear of War 2 on insane.
Send me a request if you want to play co-op on insane, I've already beat it on insane a few times its not that hard but if you need help I'll help.
Sr2 currently and after i beat it i'm going to plat The Godfather 2. Whenever i get bored of these i'm switching to the good ol' Crackdown followed by a bit of realistic GTA4 for a change of pace.
fallout 3, left 4 dead, and re5. i started playing fear 2 again and it just reminds me of how good a game it is
Currently? Nothing. I just finished up Condemned 2 and completed a lineup of current gen games (Bad Company, and BioShock being the 360 portion) and am going back a generation (just started Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for GC). Lost Odyssey is on deck once I finish that, though.
Just started playing Timeshift and Juiced 2... both have been sitting on my shelf for well over a year so I thought i'd give them a spin. Also just recently played through Condemned 2... not bad at all.
Just got done with Dark Sector, currently playing The Godfather 2, and wanting to start Mafia. After looking at Mafia 2 and seeing how amazing the game looks, I realized I never even played the first! lol So I'm gonna be playing these two for quite a bit.
mercs was boring :P but I'm playing RE5, too. trying to get infinite ammo for everything :D also working on Gears 2 achievements :DResident Evil 5 - beat the game, gonna run some mercs soon.
Dishwasher:Dead Samurai, the best purchase I've made off of XBLA. If you liked Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry you should definitely check it out.
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