i played my 360 for 3 months without any problems until i got dead rising i played it fine for 2 days until it froze with some white lines on it i thought the game was defected until i got a new one and the same thing happened its never happened with any of my other games but now when i play after 30 minutes all my games do this i just recently got the red lights but when i disconnected everything it went away all im able to play is for a mecely half an hour this is the gayes $h!t ever all caused by a game
There is no way for a specific game to break your 360. Your console obviously has a hardware problem that would have manifested itself regardless of what game you were playing at the time.
I have no way of proving this really but you can't simply say there's NO WAY it didnt at least HELP it die faster. As example I will say if your playing a game that either has background video or continually saving to the hard drive (autosave), the disk will be accessed more than say a like a sports game where you play for 20 or so minutes, straight from the memory. I never had a problem with mine until I bough Oblivion. Three scratched copies later I just decided forget it, but fortunetly before it caused the three rings. Now if this is true, what can be done about it? NADA
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