Have you ever played a game that you really hated, but ended up with an achievment so you couldn't remove it from your list? Or just wanted to earn them all again?
Well cast you votes now on whether Microsoft should add this feature.
Currently all we can do is remove anygame that has 0g points earned, so it can't be that hard to incorporate the new feature.
Microsoft's main argument would most likley be that people would either accidentally delete their scores, or claim too in hope of free points. But i've found the solution. Aslong as your not connected to XBox Live when you delete them the process is completley reversable with the Recover Gamertag feature we already have. This is if they just didn't want to add a failsafe reverse decision option.
The above idea would most likeley work for the moment as away to remove any game you wanted, but only if you follow these steps.
Connect to XBox live before you play, to make shore your profile is saved. Disconnect and start playing. If you don't like it you can just delete your profile, and then recover the Gamertag from XBox live with the game gone. I havn't tested this yet though.
Or create a temporary profile to test new games on.
Please vote and add your comments. Together we can annoy Microsoft for a bit atleast.
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