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Playing on higher difficulties is impossible because your vision gets blurry when you get shot a lot and you can't see anything and when you get shot it also moves your body a bit so it's tough to aim. So that right there makes the higher difficulties aggravating and not a fun challenge like with Halo 3 heroic or legendary. Also, (with the exception of the first level on the boat) all the levels look and feel the same. It's just takes place in some destroyed outdoor environments with some generic buildings. Making the game take place in modern day I thought it would finally have a good story, but I was wrong. Just another lazy attempt at a story in a Call Of Duty game with no interesting characters at all.MM87
well, you're not the only one, but you are in the minority. most everyone who actually RAVES about COD4 loves the multiplayer. its much more fun to play humans than computer ai anyway.
Dude, no way. COD4 was the best game I have played in a long time. Online is where it is though, SP is good but not as good as MP.
Campaign, Semi-Good.... Short for my taste but definately challangeing on Veteran. If you dont like hard games this is notfor you, and really.... if its like the 4th rung of difficulty wouldnt you expect it to be hard. I hate easy games, espically if i buy them.
Story yeah, not best but not bad...its a war novel. Cant expect much else you usually have terrorist this...funding that..other terroist this...nuke that. Its what i expected, not a juggernaut in the story but yeah in war games who really cares.
Multiplayer is the best on the realistic side of the spectrum. Its easy to pick up but hard to master. Sort of like Halo which is on the fantasy side.
RB6V2 you really need to alrady know how to play well in the multiplayer area to survive and the limited spawns are annoying but that is where true test of tactical planning exists.
This may not be your game but lower the difficulty (i know it hurts your pride) and play through its fun
P.S if you want an incredibly easy game with a story play Assassins Creed
*raises hand*
I found that game really bad actually. Lets get this out of the way, I am a huge CoD fan. Played one like 10 times and have played the second the same amount. Cod4 to me was basically the same with basically a mod attached. I was so disappointed. Almost nothing was changed, and they kept the god awful scripted A.I and re-spawn. I was so disappointed with the game I didn't even bother to play MP when I borrowed the game. I had already played the beta and knew I wasn't missing anything special. Personally I think this is sad coming from Infinity Ward, its time for them to create a whole new engine, and new game-play mechanics, IMO its getting pathetic.:o *I'm so going to get flamed*
I am not even going to talk about the single player, because it is short and it's only an excuse so you can go on a awesome sniper mission and bomb sh*t. But overall the story does suck, and so do the character's. (Expect for Captain Price.)
But the muiltiplayer can get old after awhile, that's why I play different games every once an a while so CoD 4 will feel less repetive to me. I actually play more Halo 3 just because I love Sci-Fi games. But overall one of the best shooters on the market, but not THE best. (There's isn't even a BEST FPS, in my opinion.)
It just depends on taste I think. I personally love the game and if they campaign was longer, it would be perfect. However, it depends on what style of FPS games you like, and Call of Duty 4 hits a good spot with me. Not to mention the multiplayer is fantastic! Caddy06_88
I totally agree with ^^^^^^! If the campaign was longer, and if it had a co-op campaign I would be OVER-whelmed. I LOVE the story, the campaign, and the MP. Gamemodes, perks, weapons, create-a-class. It all works for me. I do mix in quite a few other games now, but ALWAYS finish the night out with a few rounds of Hardcore Search and Destroy! I am hoping GTAIV will not be as big of a dissapointment as H2.5 (off-topic), but COD4 will occupy the majority of my time until GOW2 in November (crosses fingers for on-time release).
COD 4 was is a difficult thing to rate, because for every positive in the game there's a con. For instance, the achievements are all offline so you don't have to by gold membership to play, yet once you are done with those you can't do prestige. And while the graphics and gameplay were awesome there could have been a couple of extra levels. I hope they release more levels along with maps. A black hawk down level would be pretty awesome!
I think you're nuts! You just suck at the game, get over it! Of course it is hard on veteran, its supposed to be, dummy! Its definately do-able though, as Im not the best cod player but i beat the campaign including the epilogue on veteran.
I think you're just getting really greedy! I mean come on, this is arguably the best looking game to date on 360, with solid gameplay, and a GOOD story and yet you complain?!?! How can you say the story and all the details you see along the way be a lazy attempt? The game isnt an RPG for crying out loud, who cares about interesting characters...ITS A SHOOTER! People like you make me mad...
[QUOTE="Caddy06_88"]It just depends on taste I think. I personally love the game and if they campaign was longer, it would be perfect. However, it depends on what style of FPS games you like, and Call of Duty 4 hits a good spot with me. Not to mention the multiplayer is fantastic! wutevrman
I totally agree with ^^^^^^! If the campaign was longer, and if it had a co-op campaign I would be OVER-whelmed. I LOVE the story, the campaign, and the MP. Gamemodes, perks, weapons, create-a-class. It all works for me. I do mix in quite a few other games now, but ALWAYS finish the night out with a few rounds of Hardcore Search and Destroy! I am hoping GTAIV will not be as big of a dissapointment as H2.5 (off-topic), but COD4 will occupy the majority of my time until GOW2 in November (crosses fingers for on-time release).
Halo 2.5? Isn't Call of duty 4 COD 2.5 also? You can't judge a game like that.Yeah I didn't like it either. No substance to it. May have good multiplayer (I don't play) but that's not enough to make it a good game.
Yeah, it was dissapointing.
The campaign should have been longer, it should have had co-op, the perks pretty much dreaks the balance in multiplayer and it's stupid how you can't do split screen multiplayer online. Not to mention that gameplay wise it's nothing more that Call of Duty 2.
I thought the game was pretty over rated and personally, I thought Call of Duty, Call of Duty United Offence and Call of Duty 2 were all far better.
Playing on higher difficulties is impossible because your vision gets blurry when you get shot a lot and you can't see anything and when you get shot it also moves your body a bit so it's tough to aim. So that right there makes the higher difficulties aggravating and not a fun challenge like with Halo 3 heroic or legendary. Also, (with the exception of the first level on the boat) all the levels look and feel the same. It's just takes place in some repetitive looking, destroyed outdoor environments with a few generic looking buildings mixed in. Making the game take place in modern day I thought it would finally have a good story, but I was wrong. Just another lazy attempt at a story in a Call Of Duty game with no interesting characters at all.MM87
I agree with you COD4 was really boring and sucked in my opinion. The multiplayer is okay but nothing special to me. I think too many people jump on the "hey this game rocks" bandwagon.
COD 4.
will forever be one of those games that I was fantastically hyped for.
But when I got it I just could not get into it. I still kept it for several months jumping on and offline and It was weird just could not get into it and I still don't know why?
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