Please learn to detect sarcasm.
Maybe his connection sucks, maybe his console is dying. While it does sound like the TC is trolling, if these are legitimate issues you are having then you are part of the minority. I would suggest contacting Microsoft about this issue because as you can tell, not a lot of people are having these problems
Tried on 2 different consoles. At some points there is quite a large amount of FPS drop during a local multiplayer session of firefight.
1) I've encountered a few frame rate drops during large battles, but nothing major. Maybe if you installed the game it would work better?
2) That type of matchmaking system doesn't work with trueskill, or any ranking system for that matter. If a host has control of the rules, then they can easily manipulate things in their favor. They could pick their best map and play their best mode, and in the event they are losing, they can just boot whoever is doing better then them. By having a computer determine the mode, and a ranking system to make sure players are of similar skill level, you are much more likely to get into a balanced match. And I don't know what your talking about "brb failed to load". If thats happening to you there's probably something wrong with your disk or connection.
3) Yes they did beta test it. I'm surprised a "professional beta tester" never heard about the beta for one of the biggest Xbox 360 releases this year.
2nd point is flawed. If a host is acting like that people just leave, this was never a problem in the Ghost Recon example I mentioned. And yes, it can definitely work in a ranking system. When the player searches for a match it can list all of the servers that are close in rank. The failed to load thing happened on my friend's box, was just damn annoying.
I was joking about 'professional beta tester' but apparently I found quite a few things wrong with the game that no one else out of the thousands of people that did beta test found.
I'm afraid your point is flawed too. The way a ranking system works is by testing everyone under similar conditions and comparing how they performed.
Let me ask you this. If one person were to take a college level test, and another a 1st grade test, and they both score a 90%, does that mean they are on the same level intellectually? No. Obviously in order for the college person to score a 90 they have to answer significantly harder questions then the 1st grader.
Likewise, if a host has control over the rules in a game, there is nothing stopping them from putting things in their favor. It doesn't even have to be drastic, it can be as small as picking a map and mode he/she is good at. That coupled with the power to boot players means they can easily knock out anyone who poses a threat. A host with that type of power is fully capable of boosting their rank to be considered equals with a player who is genuinely skilled despite having to bend the rules to get there. The worst part is, should they play a game together and the skilled player starts to dominate the host, all he has to do is boot him and move on. The host gets credit for winning a rigged match, and the guy who plays the game fair is stuck looking for another game.
By allowing anyone to determine the rules of a match, there are no standards for ranks to be based off of, and without a ranking system, the odds of you getting put into a stacked match are significantly higher.
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