Well Dirt just came out today and shadowrun is fairly new so Which one should I get? I really dont feel like spending $120 bucks on both but depending on what you guys say I might buy both today I've played both the demos and enjoyed them so which one or both should I get?
well I have shadowrun and I just got forza motorsports 2 so if i where you. Both or just get witch one your in the mood for. Like if you want a killing game get that or if you really want a racing game get the other.
Dirt is incredibly fun! I don't normally like racing games but I love dirt. I normally love FPS's but Shadowrun didn't last to long. I say buy DiRT and rent Shadowrun. Or just rent both I don't really care.
PLay the demos. Dirt seemed arcady, and I bought Shadowrun. Shadowrun was really fun. Dirt seemed TO arcady, I like Midnight club, NFS, and Burnout, but I just didn't like how dirt played.
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