I have to say I wasn't too thrilled with the demos we received on XBL. Now I know that they didn't even have to give us any demos at all, but still it's not like my gold account is free or anything. All I'm saying is that they didn't given us any 'Hot' demos.
I was excited when I saw Blue Dragon up (Then had to wait a couple hours) but IMO it's not that good of an RPG.
Ace Combat was actually pretty good, I was suprised because I usually don't care for flight simulators.
Stuntman: Ignition, I didn't even know they were making a sequel to that (IMO) God-awful game.
Harry Potter - Uh no thanks, maybe for the kids I guess?
NCAA: 08 - I think that's what it's called. Whatever another football game.
The Bigs - Yeah okay Baseball.
I can just see the guys at MS before they "hand-picked" these demos.
*Clasps hand together* "Oookay... so what are the sh*ttiest demos we can offer." "Well there's Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, umm ... oh yeah Mass Eff..." "I said 'sh*tiest', how bout those over in the corner there?"
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