When are people on this forum going to learn to think for themselves?
Go to the store, look at the televisions and decide for yourself. When I was shopping for a television, I took the smaller Plasma screen for the same price into consideration, and looked at the picture on a plasma then on a DLP, then an LCD. Each display has strengths and weaknesses, you have to assess which appeal to you.
I personally can tell the difference between 720P and 1080P visually, for those that can't perhaps lasik? Its not hard to see the resolution and sharpness difference.
It gets old reading post about how Plasma is the best or LCD is the best. All of the technologies have weaknesses in how they display pictures, or how much they cost to get a minor enchancement to a feature.
To the OP. You have 2 options to get 1080 for movies on the 360, 3 options for games (keeping in mind most are being upscaled from 720P).
360 + Component or VGA or HDMI (Elite) = 1080P games (if game isnt 1080P native it will upscale)
360 + Component = 480P DVD, 1080i HD DVD (digital rights issue)
360 + VGA = 1080P DVD (upscaled), 1080P HD DVD, not all tvs will have VGA port and the signal is analog
360 + HDMI (elite) = 1080P DVD (upscaled), 1080P HD DVD native
Biggest problems with VGA is it tends to wash the colors out on most screens. There was a patch to fix this but my understanding is it does a poor job and some people still have the problem. I tried the VGA cable back before I the Elite came out, and didnt like the washed out look so went back to my component cables until I bought my Elite.
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