ok, so i don't post here muchbut i've followed the boards forever. very rarely do i feel the need to get my opinion validated, but i just did, and it pissed me off. here we go
so i'm playing fable 2 for the first time in a long time and i'm at this point where i need to go through a portal. ok fine. on my way to the portal, on the rightthere is a treasure box. me thinking i'm about to get a new item, orhella gold, instead gets a message that says, (forgive me because i'vemoved on before i felt the need to post) something like "to find the secret of this treasure go to fable2.com. (if i have this wrong please correct me, but i'm fairly certain, andthe point remains.)
ok, i bought this game the day it came out, it wasn't cheap. over $60 with tax. shouldn't i be able to get the WHOLE game experience without A. going to a website B. registering at that website, C. paying for DLC?
I understant DLC and i (kind of) think it has its place, but i'm paying 60 bones for a COMPLETE GAME, i want to be able to open that mother #%%$#*#@*@ box. otherwise take it away.
dlc has a place, i hate the idea, but i have a feeling its here to stay. and you know what, fine, i'll deal with it as long as i can still play the entire game i paid full price for.but don't tease me with phantom treasureboxes. dont hook the story (i don't know if it does, but go with me here) on downloadable content. MAKE IT AN EXTENSION NOT A TEASE.
better yet don't do it at all! but i know since games have and its worked they will keep doing it, but dont spit in my face while i'm trying to(honestly)play through the game i've already put my hard earned cash into.
ps. i know that it costs a lot to make games and dlc is an easy (don't slaughter this because i know that dlc takes plenty of time to develop) way to spin a little more profit. but i don't want to pay 60 clams for half a game, not even 99% of a game. I want what i paid for not "pay more to open this chest."
pps all of you that have played chronotrigger, imagine if square, or nintendo for that matter had you opena treasure boxduring a sidequest that said go to xxxxxx.com website to aquire that weapon.
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