can someone who has it or played tell me if it is worth getting i really want a new game and im not sure if i should get Kane & Lynch? i already own assassins creed, call of duty 4, madden 08, madden 07, mass effect, the orange box, ncca football 08, counterstrike, the godfather, mlb 2k7, rainbow six vegas, tony hawks project 8, tiger woods 07, oblivion, nba live 07, halo 2, enchanted arms, smackdown vs raw 2007 and i dont want bioshock so dont even suggest it.
i have kane and lynch and it is not worth $60. its not a terrible game its just a game u should buy when its $40 or $30. the story lineis kinda lame and the aiming is bad. they also swear every time they speak which gets kinda annoying hearing the f word 30 times every scene. and btw get gears of war. it is one of the best 360 games. its a must have.
I played the demo and damn... the game is pretty damn lame, avoid it at all costs and instead get Dead Rising, which is the best game so far this gen IMO.
It has problems, but it is not a bad game./ When it fires on all cylinders, the game kicks ass. IT misses alot though. There are some memorable moments and hte story is cool though
I think that Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a really great game. As it is one of my favorite games on the Xbox360. Most people that respond to this game either hasn't played at all, or has played the demo or the retail version for only a few minutes and then gave up. If you have the patients to get used to the controls(aiming) it is not that difficult, it took me about hour or less before I got to understand the controls(aiming). I played the demo for like 3 hours straight and I wanted alot more then that little part of the mission. So I bought the retail game and have just recently finished it and it is really fun to play, it has a great story, and is a great game. If you look at my sig below you will see my gamertag and this game is listed, you can click on the gamertag box to see what achievements I have for this game. Once I go through the single-player part of COD4 again and then play and finish TimeShift I will play and beat Kane & Lynch: Dead Men again, and I just can't wait.
The moments of pure adrenaline where the game shines with promise are few and far between. K&L controls poorly, and the F***s are completely misplaced where they only serve to interrupt dialogue. Rent it if you feel like playing a mediocre game that just dosent quite get it.
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