They don't sell it with a Harddrive so you have to buy that and you'd probably end up paying more since you got to buy some stuff seperate... And there is a large chance it's banged up inside and break quicker. Just save your money up for a new one.
lol anythings possible could buy a 360 from gamestop and 2 days after there return policy expires boom lol out of luck with the 3 rings... granted you could probly get free fix from ms
Yeah. I just got one today. Works like a charm plus its only 190 bucks, and the harddrive is 70 (used) which adds up to 260, and you save 90 bucks. Go for it.
To be honest i wouldnt put faith in one. I work for ebgames, and about 2-3 months ago we had a bit of "overstock" in used 360's and they were dropped in price to 299(canadian). Unfortunately for the company, i would say 9/10ths of every single used 360 sold was defective(what did they expect, the majourity of them were launch 360's). Unfortunately there was such a high return rate that we ended up replacing every used one with brand new units, and we still are. 360's arent common fr trade in(we get more ps3's for god sake) so when we sell used ones i can just expect to have to replace it with a new unit
yea i'm pretty sure gamestop runs tests on the systems
they run tests, however these "tests" include turning console on for 2 mins, making sure game reads, if so then package console and ship back to store(we have to ship them to our warehouses nowadays because so many are defective trade ins, and even still they send them back to us defective)
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