Do you guys believe in the near future that people will actually pay a monthly fee to play games like Madden and COD online ?
I do lol, people are really that stupid, we are sheep whether we like it or not. When IW announced that they will be releasing 5 maps for $15 people raged, it was like what $15 for something that should be unlocked by default or at least 800 MSP ?
THEN they released another map pack and people bought that one too (!), think about it, you can buy Gears Of War 2 GOTY with 20 maps all for just $30 while IW and Activision charge you $30 for just 10 poorly designed maps !
I'm not even going to touch on EA's greed because I believe they will someday convince people to buy their games twice lol.:P
So now this all goes back to my original question, if and when a company decides to charge a monthly fee to play games will people eventually warm up to it ?
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