in an unfancy online game(like fear2,hawx?)is a very bad idea to make people play its multiplayer online?. seriously whats the point? people will just boost it anyway.thaey should stop doing this
they should stop doing this
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in an unfancy online game(like fear2,hawx?)is a very bad idea to make people play its multiplayer online?. seriously whats the point? people will just boost it anyway.thaey should stop doing this
they should stop doing this
So far IW is the only one that's gotten it right. All the achievements were for single player only, and it has one of the best MP out there currently.
very well said.So far IW is the only one that's gotten it right. All the achievements were for single player only, and it has one of the best MP out there currently.
Yep, it's like the online acheivements are the unlockables in multiplayer.So far IW is the only one that's gotten it right. All the achievements were for single player only, and it has one of the best MP out there currently.
[QUOTE="Legendaryscmt"]Yep, it's like the online acheivements are the unlockables in multiplayer.So far IW is the only one that's gotten it right. All the achievements were for single player only, and it has one of the best MP out there currently.
yup that is sooo true
I don't agree. Achievments are meant to be a way to get replayability from your games, even after finishing games you can go back and get achievments. The hole point of them is to make you go back and play them more. The only people who would be bothered with this are achievment whores, and if you actually care if people got achievments "unfairly" then you need to rethink why you play games.
I don't agree. Achievments are meant to be a way to get replayability from your games, even after finishing games you can go back and get achievments. The hole point of them is to make you go back and play them more. The only people who would be bothered with this are achievment whores, and if you actually care if people got achievments "unfairly" then you need to rethink why you play games.
regardless..achievements dnt make a game replayable..the game itself should make it replayable..i dnt play modern warfare online over and over bcuz i want achievements..i play it bcuz its an awesome online game
So far IW is the only one that's gotten it right. All the achievements were for single player only, and it has one of the best MP out there currently.
no, i don't think they are good. i hate trying to get them because it is just a waste of time to do that. they are the hardest to get because they are players not some computer playing. Another achievements that i hate are co-op ones. it leads to not a lot of times completing them. ur friend might not want to play. i don't want to play with 12 year olds that are going to scream into the mic. there should only be some kind of good achievements like get 100 kills, get this rank playing online, play online, unlock this weapon. those are the only good ones that developers should add when they make games. xscott1018
sounds like you want developers to spoonfeed players even more, and not even make achievments in the least challenging. Can't say i agree.
Are you kidding me? Achievements online are by far the most fun. I mean, they sure are more frustrating than the ones in the single player campaign but that's just part of it. Achievements are meant to be a challenge, something that's either really easy or silly to get or something really hard to challenge gamers to play differently. Gears of War made you use all of the weapons to get 100 kills. That really made me want to pick up grenades, boomshot, and pistol. Without those achievements I might have never explored that part of the game. And achievements do add replay value, wether you think it's a cheap way of getting it or not.
I've been having a lot of fun trying to get the Mythic Map pack achievements on Halo recently. It completely brought me back to a game I used to hate. I can't get enough Halo. If you're posting this because you're having too hard a time getting some achievements then drop them. They're made to add to the game, not take away from it. If you find yourself hating the game just put it down and start up something else. If all achievements were easily picked up then there would be no point in bragging about them, because everybody would have them.
Also, Co-op achievements are the best. I love playing through a game with my friends. We laugh, scream, and mess around a story we open. It's almost like going to the movies, or actually going on an adventure. I know a lot of people are complain that co-op is basically a must have in games now, but in my eyes it adds that much more to a game. My buddy just got Halo 3 because he's seen that me and my best friend are playing it none stop. And he hasn't played the campaign. Its so great to just mess around as we try to beat it on Legendary.
no, i don't think they are good. i hate trying to get them because it is just a waste of time to do that. they are the hardest to get because they are players not some computer playing. Another achievements that i hate are co-op ones. it leads to not a lot of times completing them. ur friend might not want to play. i don't want to play with 12 year olds that are going to scream into the mic. there should only be some kind of good achievements like get 100 kills, get this rank playing online, play online, unlock this weapon. those are the only good ones that developers should add when they make games. xscott1018
ive only read the "12 year old screaming in mic" but 90% of the time it is never them ive played a game with a 9 year old and he was "screaming in his mic"
on topicachievementsare there to make you get every aspect you can out of the game if someone "boost" for anachievementwhy do you care? either do it yourself or dont worry bout it it isnt hurting anyone. i think games should have MORE multiplayerachievement, itssatisfying knowing you got so-and-so many
no, online achievements are crap, esp. when if you get a game that no longer has much of an online community. then they can be hell. im all for crazy, out there achievements that make you do things you never would. heck, they give me replayability to my games, some of which id only ever play through once. look at orange box achievements. they had normal ones (shoot this, unlock that), crazy hard ones (protect the village from destruction at the end of ep 2) and ridiculously wierd ones (little rocket man, anyone?) so yeah, im all for achievements. its the online that i dont care for. i mean, online should only be for fun. not everyone wants to try to get achievements on there. heck, some people just want to be jerks and camp/snipe, etc. mattg90520
So you're stating that you don't want the challenge of an online achievement because you're playing actual humans who breath, eat, think, and make getting achievements harder? And if the game doesn't have much of an online community than why would you even play it in the first place? I still think that this thread is all about people wanting easy achievements, which is just wrong. There's no point in the concept of an achievement if the developers have to make them half brained.
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