Well if it's like the first one than it will be a rental. Awesome scary ass SP, pretty bad MP. If they improve on the MP than it will be a buy. I'm buying it either way , well as long as it's a scary SP.
I loved the first ones Multiplayer.I played hundreds of hours on it and met some really cool people.That and I love the singleplayer so for me damn straight it will be a day one purchase.
The first one was a pretty amazing PC shooter when it first came out. Unfortunately, the console versions never really captured the feel of the PC version to me, so I guess we shall see.
Not to sound like a jerk, but okay :) I really hope fear 2 bombs! Because then maybe monolith will go back and make sequels to their much better games, like avp2, no one lives forever series and tron 2.0, which all were much better games then fear.
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