Do you think i'm an achievement junkie?

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#1 gotdangit
Member since 2005 • 8151 Posts

Ok so I have like 3 games for xbox that I own, 2 of them I got 1000/1000, one of them I have 995/1000

And so I went to my friends house and transferred my account over, I don't have xbox live btw. So we played rockband and I told him there should be an achievment wehre you only use the solo buttons the whole song and get 100%, so I looked and I said there one where you 100% and one wehre you 100% a song, so I said ok, watch me get 100% on this song only using the solo buttons, then he said that's because you're an achievenment *****.

I just ignored him after that, I think he's jealous I almost have as much gamerscore as him. I have around 7000 gamerscore just from playing different games and borrowing games and such, he has 8000 and he has had his xbox for like a year, and I had mine for 3 months.

Am I or is he just jealous?

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#2 MonkeyPulp
Member since 2007 • 443 Posts

What the hell did I just read? Also, who cares if your an achievement whore.

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#3 Furanko_Kun
Member since 2007 • 1103 Posts

What the hell did I just read? Also, who cares if your an achievement whore.

Yeah man I think my mind had to slowdown to understand this jargon. lol
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#4 craigalan23
Member since 2006 • 15879 Posts

You're only a ***** if you sell yourself to people for achievement points.

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#5 MonkeyPulp
Member since 2007 • 443 Posts


What the hell did I just read? Also, who cares if your an achievement whore.


Yeah man I think my mind had to slowdown to understand this jargon. lol

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#6 PsiCrisis
Member since 2009 • 216 Posts

If he was jealous he would work at getting a higher score.

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#7 gotdangit
Member since 2005 • 8151 Posts

Did I make is sound confusing? Sorry.

There are 2 different achievements on Rockband 2, one where you 100% a solo, using only the solo buttons, and anotherwhere you 100% the song.

So I told him I would get both, but beating the whole song using only the solo buttons, 100%.

So anyways I have 3 games, someone bought me halo 3, but I can't beat that 100% because the achievements are online, so only 3 games I tried to get all of them. And he doesn't have 1000 on Cod4 but I do. Which he has had for a long time, and I beat it, but he couldn't beat all the levels on veteran.

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#8 GamerForca
Member since 2005 • 7203 Posts
So we played rockband and I told him there should be an achievment wehre you only use the solo buttons the whole song and get 100%, so I looked and I said there one where you 100% and one wehre you 100% a song, so I said ok, gotdangit
This is where you lost me.
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#9 Samslayer
Member since 2005 • 1852 Posts

Umm no. Once you start buying games strictly to get achievements then you may be an "achievement junkie."Hopefully you don't get that far!

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#10 DamianAlexander
Member since 2008 • 3762 Posts

Who cares? I'm an Achievement *****. A lot of us are. That's why we play, we strive for perfection and instantly stop playing a game once we have all the achievements we can get and never play it again unless it has DLC (With even more Achievements), or a good multiplayer.

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Member since 2003 • 3508 Posts

i dont think acheivements show how skilled you are. you can get achievements just by playing co-op or going into a game menu. if anyone notice...there not as hard as they were during the first years the 360 came out. the developers are putting in a lot of easy stuff nowadays. and then you have the glitchers for acheivements. i doubt your freind is jealous

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#12 photobooth
Member since 2004 • 276 Posts

You only have three games, so if anything you're just playing the crap out of them because you don't have any other games to play. Buying/renting every game that comes out just to get achievements is what would make you what your friend called you.

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#13 quijeros
Member since 2008 • 1728 Posts

I don't think there's anything wrong with maxing out GS on games for the challenge of completing the achievements. In that case, you're an achievement junkie. If you're doing it for the GS itself, though, then you might have issues. I think 'GS whore' would be a more appropriate term then, though.

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#14 NeonNinja
Member since 2005 • 17318 Posts

Did I make is sound confusing? Sorry.

There are 2 different achievements on Rockband 2, one where you 100% a solo, using only the solo buttons, and anotherwhere you 100% the song.

So I told him I would get both, but beating the whole song using only the solo buttons, 100%.

So anyways I have 3 games, someone bought me halo 3, but I can't beat that 100% because the achievements are online, so only 3 games I tried to get all of them. And he doesn't have 1000 on Cod4 but I do. Which he has had for a long time, and I beat it, but he couldn't beat all the levels on veteran.


Ah, thanks for clearing it up. You're friend's just jealous methinks. I mean, achievements are there to get for the fun of it if you want to. Sometimes after completing a game I really like I set out to get the achievements left. I mean, my gamerscore is weak and pathetic and lowly for someone who has had a 360 for three and half years but still, they're there for fun. There's nothing wrong with getting 1000 GS on a game you like. It'd be wierd if you were constantly replaying games you hate for points but that doesn't seem to be the case, so you're friend's just running his mouth off. Plain and simple.

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#15 HumanoMexicano
Member since 2006 • 382 Posts

Ok so I have like 3 games for xbox that I own, 2 of them I got 1000/1000, one of them I have 995/1000

And so I went to my friends house and transferred my account over, I don't have xbox live btw. So we played rockband and I told him there should be an achievment wehre you only use the solo buttons the whole song and get 100%, so I looked and I said there one where you 100% and one wehre you 100% a song, so I said ok, watch me get 100% on this song only using the solo buttons, then he said that's because you're an achievenment *****.

I just ignored him after that, I think he's jealous I almost have as much gamerscore as him. I have around 7000 gamerscore just from playing different games and borrowing games and such, he has 8000 and he has had his xbox for like a year, and I had mine for 3 months.

Am I or is he just jealous?

You have full achievements because you have so little games and all you do is play for achievements. Whatever happened to JUST PLAYING A GAME BECAUSE IT IS FUN anyway? I have 9 games I think? (10 except my 360 destroyed the GTA4 disk) I have a few games I only played twice since they were bad, I could care less about the achievements for those games. I think you should play the games for fun, or unlocking stuff but achievements? Waste of time( I guess.)
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#16 Leo-Magic
Member since 2005 • 3025 Posts

Ok so I have like 3 games for xbox that I own, 2 of them I got 1000/1000, one of them I have 995/1000

And so I went to my friends house and transferred my account over, I don't have xbox live btw. So we played rockband and I told him there should be an achievment wehre you only use the solo buttons the whole song and get 100%, so I looked and I said there one where you 100% and one wehre you 100% a song, so I said ok, watch me get 100% on this song only using the solo buttons, then he said that's because you're an achievenment *****.

I just ignored him after that, I think he's jealous I almost have as much gamerscore as him. I have around 7000 gamerscore just from playing different games and borrowing games and such, he has 8000 and he has had his xbox for like a year, and I had mine for 3 months.

Am I or is he just jealous?

I truly believe the achievement makes the game a better replay value, but not exactly for everyone. so there is no need to show off, just play your own. :)
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#17 DZBricktop
Member since 2007 • 2914 Posts

Umm no. Once you start buying games strictly to get achievements then you may be an "achievement junkie."Hopefully you don't get that far!


This. Going for a particular achievement in a game you're playing doesn't make you an junkie. Buying or renting games with the sole purpose of just getting some achievement points would be. Or plugging a second controller in and playing with nobody just to get some 10 kills in a row type achievements, would be.

If i really like a game, i'll try to get 1000 as long as the achievements are fun. Beating a game on the highest difficulty or winning every race in the game kind of achievements are fun to me, as long as the game itself is fun. Winning X amount of games in a ranked match, especially when it's a particular gamemode that i hate. Or beating a game like Guitar Hero as a vocalist, (singing in Rockband or GH isn't fun to me), are the kind of achievements i won't even try for. If the game is fun to you, and the achievement you're going for is fun to you, there's nothing about that that makes you a junkie.

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#18 Flamecommando
Member since 2003 • 11634 Posts

Many people have alot more than that. What else are you going to do on Rockband? yawn.

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#19 DZBricktop
Member since 2007 • 2914 Posts

i dont think acheivements show how skilled you are. you can get achievements just by playing co-op or going into a game menu. if anyone notice...there not as hard as they were during the first years the 360 came out. the developers are putting in a lot of easy stuff nowadays.


I disagree with this. When the 360 first launched, there were alot of games with as little as just 5 total achievements for all 1000 points. Others had 10-15. I got all 1000 points in NBA2K6 in ONE GAME. Very few, if any, games had the max 50 achievements allowed at the time. Now, most games have in the higher range of 40-50 achievements. It does make for some pretty stupid achievements. But i definitely think the earlier games of the 360 were WAY too easy for 1000. Mostly because you didn't have to play much to get it.

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#20 Dordledum
Member since 2009 • 1754 Posts

Some games have nice achievement awards, which you get after you get the achievements. Like unlocking new skills for new characters in Mass Effect. in those cases,I get it that people want to get achievements.

Some other achievements are pointless and plain stupid, so why people want to get those? I have no clue. It's not like you can buy stuff with your gamerscore points anyway.

might be just me though.

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#21 shaunchgo
Member since 2006 • 4605 Posts
If getting achievement points means more to you than actually having fun, then I'd consider you an achivement junkie. If you're friend is jealous because of your score, then I wish that was my only problem in life! lol
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Member since 2003 • 3508 Posts


i dont think acheivements show how skilled you are. you can get achievements just by playing co-op or going into a game menu. if anyone notice...there not as hard as they were during the first years the 360 came out. the developers are putting in a lot of easy stuff nowadays.


I disagree with this. When the 360 first launched, there were alot of games with as little as just 5 total achievements for all 1000 points. Others had 10-15. I got all 1000 points in NBA2K6 in ONE GAME. Very few, if any, games had the max 50 achievements allowed at the time. Now, most games have in the higher range of 40-50 achievements. It does make for some pretty stupid achievements. But i definitely think the earlier games of the 360 were WAY too easy for 1000. Mostly because you didn't have to play much to get it.

sports games have always had easy points. earlier games like Gears, GRAW 1 and2, dead rising, geometry wars: retro, FEAR, project gotham, lost planet. older games required you to finish missions or campaigns without dying. GTA a fairly recent blockbuster hit game has easy points. i played transformers and the acheivements pop up constantly after every mission.

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#23 Black_Knight_00
Member since 2007 • 78 Posts
Gamerscore is the opium of the people.
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#24 Avenger1324
Member since 2007 • 16344 Posts

Ok so I have like 3 games for xbox that I own, 2 of them I got 1000/1000, one of them I have 995/1000

And so I went to my friends house and transferred my account over, I don't have xbox live btw. So we played rockband and I told him there should be an achievment wehre you only use the solo buttons the whole song and get 100%, so I looked and I said there one where you 100% and one wehre you 100% a song, so I said ok, watch me get 100% on this song only using the solo buttons, then he said that's because you're an achievenment *****.

I just ignored him after that, I think he's jealous I almost have as much gamerscore as him. I have around 7000 gamerscore just from playing different games and borrowing games and such, he has 8000 and he has had his xbox for like a year, and I had mine for 3 months.

Am I or is he just jealous?


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unless you recovered your gamertag back to your console after doing it at your friends, then none of the achievements you have unlocked since will count for anything - as soon as you try to connect to xbox live it will realise your version of your gamertag is invalid, force you recover from Live - which will be the condition it was in when you last used it on your friends console.

In short your gamerscore will get reset to when it last connected to Live, and there is nothing you can do about it :(

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#25 DZBricktop
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i dont think acheivements show how skilled you are. you can get achievements just by playing co-op or going into a game menu. if anyone notice...there not as hard as they were during the first years the 360 came out. the developers are putting in a lot of easy stuff nowadays.


I disagree with this. When the 360 first launched, there were alot of games with as little as just 5 total achievements for all 1000 points. Others had 10-15. I got all 1000 points in NBA2K6 in ONE GAME. Very few, if any, games had the max 50 achievements allowed at the time. Now, most games have in the higher range of 40-50 achievements. It does make for some pretty stupid achievements. But i definitely think the earlier games of the 360 were WAY too easy for 1000. Mostly because you didn't have to play much to get it.

sports games have always had easy points. earlier games like Gears, GRAW 1 and2, dead rising, geometry wars: retro, FEAR, project gotham, lost planet. older games required you to finish missions or campaigns without dying. GTA a fairly recent blockbuster hit game has easy points. i played transformers and the acheivements pop up constantly after every mission.

It all comes down to what you think is easy or not i guess. Compare Transformers you played to King Kong. I thought Dead Rising, GRAW, and PGR were easy achievements. But i thought Dead Rising was easy because i loved the game so much and played the crap out of it. PGR was easy because i've played that series since it launched. GRAW was fairly easy except for a few dumb ones.

What about Kameo, Condemned, King Kong, Gun, Amped 3, Hitman, Oblivion, Tomb Raider, Just Cause, Phantasy Star, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Forza, Test Drive, Fuzion Frenzy 2, Crackdown, etc.. All early games with easy achievements. Compare newer versions to older ones. Check any of the Need for Speeds compared to the early, and easy Most Wanted. Compare Fight Night Rd 4 to Rd 3. Compare ANY of the sports titles now to the early, and extremely easy earlier ones.

I think it goes both ways. I think some have got more achievements, but easier. It may seem to me that some of the newer games are alittle tougher because the games have so many achievements now compared to before, you have to play them longer to get them all. But thats just my opinion.

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#26 ZONABOY_928
Member since 2009 • 32 Posts
AHHH too much jibber jabber. who cares just play the game!
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Member since 2003 • 3508 Posts



I disagree with this. When the 360 first launched, there were alot of games with as little as just 5 total achievements for all 1000 points. Others had 10-15. I got all 1000 points in NBA2K6 in ONE GAME. Very few, if any, games had the max 50 achievements allowed at the time. Now, most games have in the higher range of 40-50 achievements. It does make for some pretty stupid achievements. But i definitely think the earlier games of the 360 were WAY too easy for 1000. Mostly because you didn't have to play much to get it.


sports games have always had easy points. earlier games like Gears, GRAW 1 and2, dead rising, geometry wars: retro, FEAR, project gotham, lost planet. older games required you to finish missions or campaigns without dying. GTA a fairly recent blockbuster hit game has easy points. i played transformers and the acheivements pop up constantly after every mission.

It all comes down to what you think is easy or not i guess. Compare Transformers you played to King Kong. I thought Dead Rising, GRAW, and PGR were easy achievements. But i thought Dead Rising was easy because i loved the game so much and played the crap out of it. PGR was easy because i've played that series since it launched. GRAW was fairly easy except for a few dumb ones.

What about Kameo, Condemned, King Kong, Gun, Amped 3, Hitman, Oblivion, Tomb Raider, Just Cause, Phantasy Star, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Forza, Test Drive, Fuzion Frenzy 2, Crackdown, etc.. All early games with easy achievements. Compare newer versions to older ones. Check any of the Need for Speeds compared to the early, and easy Most Wanted. Compare Fight Night Rd 4 to Rd 3. Compare ANY of the sports titles now to the early, and extremely easy earlier ones.

I think it goes both ways. I think some have got more achievements, but easier. It may seem to me that some of the newer games are alittle tougher because the games have so many achievements now compared to before, you have to play them longer to get them all. But thats just my opinion.

maybe there is a balance. the older games had less achievements but today it seems like a way for the developers to lazily add replayability to the games, therefore adding more easy points. I see you didnt get 1000 dead rising acheivements, lol

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#28 orb_03_2006
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nah, it just means you enjoy getting achievements. many people are guilty of the same thing :D
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#29 Sweet_Genocide
Member since 2009 • 777 Posts

I still don't know what to make of all this but your gamer score isn't godly or anything, your friends' score is just crap for someone who's been playing a year.

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#30 deactivated-5c23908d36a7f
Member since 2009 • 859 Posts

Do i think you're an achievement wh***? No. An Achievement junkie? No. An achievement hunter? Slitghtly. But mostly do i think you're a thread seeker? Yes.

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#31 DZBricktop
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sports games have always had easy points. earlier games like Gears, GRAW 1 and2, dead rising, geometry wars: retro, FEAR, project gotham, lost planet. older games required you to finish missions or campaigns without dying. GTA a fairly recent blockbuster hit game has easy points. i played transformers and the acheivements pop up constantly after every mission.


It all comes down to what you think is easy or not i guess. Compare Transformers you played to King Kong. I thought Dead Rising, GRAW, and PGR were easy achievements. But i thought Dead Rising was easy because i loved the game so much and played the crap out of it. PGR was easy because i've played that series since it launched. GRAW was fairly easy except for a few dumb ones.

What about Kameo, Condemned, King Kong, Gun, Amped 3, Hitman, Oblivion, Tomb Raider, Just Cause, Phantasy Star, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Forza, Test Drive, Fuzion Frenzy 2, Crackdown, etc.. All early games with easy achievements. Compare newer versions to older ones. Check any of the Need for Speeds compared to the early, and easy Most Wanted. Compare Fight Night Rd 4 to Rd 3. Compare ANY of the sports titles now to the early, and extremely easy earlier ones.

I think it goes both ways. I think some have got more achievements, but easier. It may seem to me that some of the newer games are alittle tougher because the games have so many achievements now compared to before, you have to play them longer to get them all. But thats just my opinion.

maybe there is a balance. the older games had less achievements but today it seems like a way for the developers to lazily add replayability to the games, therefore adding more easy points. I see you didnt get 1000 dead rising acheivements, lol

LOL. That's true. But there's a reason for it. 2 of the 3 last achievements i have are "Survive for 5 days" and "Survive for 7 days". There was a glitch in the game when it launched that caused the game to freeze if you went into a certain area of the mall. After 3 or 4 tries i gave up with the game freezing after playing for hours. It's since been fixed with a patch, but i haven't had the passion to go back and do it again. And i was actually in the middle of the "Escort 7 females" achievement when i stopped playing it. Not sure why. Must have been another game that came out?

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#32 D0ub13_5c0r3
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#33 gotdangit
Member since 2005 • 8151 Posts

What is a thread seeker? I made a thread, but since no one thinks I am what my friend told me I don't know what his problem is.

I have 4 games, CoD4, Dead Space, Halo 3, and RE5. I loved RE5, I was pretty much obsessed with it, until I got all the achievements, there wasn't much I could do anymore, I played some random levels I liked but It was boring playing with one person. For CoD4, I only just recently tried to beat Veteran but I never tried before because I had xbox live, now since I don't I tried to get all the achievements. For Dead Space, That was is really awesome, I beat it 3 times, I only need one achievement, I didn't even try to get most of them, except for the last one I need push 5 enemies into a gravity lift thing, I haven't tried yet.

Halo 3, I beat on Legendary with my brother, I got like 500 GS, and the rest were random online ones when I had live.

So that's about 3500 gamerscore, plus the 500 from arcade, so add another 3000 from games I borrowed, or played at friends houses.

But I will admit that the only reason I recover my account is to get achievements, but also to play on my own account, I mean, now it wouldn't matter if I recovered because I can't go on xbox live, but if we don't have to, I recover it just to get achievements I guess. I like to earn stuff while I play, I like to earn achievements for other people too, not just myself, if I'm on my friends account I try to get achievements for them.

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#34 mariokart64fan
Member since 2003 • 20828 Posts

i got more then 10 thousand already , have the oppertunity to get well over 20k

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#35 mikel222222
Member since 2004 • 1162 Posts
gotdangit I hope you realize achievement mean absolutely nothing? and it means even less if you are recovering your account at a friends house and you don't have live. Unless you simply enjoy wasting time recovering your account, and having a tiny message pop up "10G for being a total idiot" I agree with your friend. Play the game for fun, forget about the achievements. Sounds like you are trying to brag to your friend that you have less games but more achievements, which is so ridiculous. Go be good at something that actually matters
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#36 TrapMuzik92
Member since 2009 • 3424 Posts

i dont get this message fully... but playing games for achievements will get boring. you have to play a game because its fun not for gamerscore.

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#37 chaoz-king
Member since 2005 • 5956 Posts

Ok so I have like 3 games for xbox that I own, 2 of them I got 1000/1000, one of them I have 995/1000

And so I went to my friends house and transferred my account over, I don't have xbox live btw. So we played rockband and I told him there should be an achievment wehre you only use the solo buttons the whole song and get 100%, so I looked and I said there one where you 100% and one wehre you 100% a song, so I said ok, watch me get 100% on this song only using the solo buttons, then he said that's because you're an achievenment *****.

I just ignored him after that, I think he's jealous I almost have as much gamerscore as him. I have around 7000 gamerscore just from playing different games and borrowing games and such, he has 8000 and he has had his xbox for like a year, and I had mine for 3 months.

Am I or is he just jealous?

not really 7000 is a little low. I have around 35k but I've I my xbox longer. aout 1 year and a half.
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#38 Dordledum
Member since 2009 • 1754 Posts


Ok so I have like 3 games for xbox that I own, 2 of them I got 1000/1000, one of them I have 995/1000

And so I went to my friends house and transferred my account over, I don't have xbox live btw. So we played rockband and I told him there should be an achievment wehre you only use the solo buttons the whole song and get 100%, so I looked and I said there one where you 100% and one wehre you 100% a song, so I said ok, watch me get 100% on this song only using the solo buttons, then he said that's because you're an achievenment *****.

I just ignored him after that, I think he's jealous I almost have as much gamerscore as him. I have around 7000 gamerscore just from playing different games and borrowing games and such, he has 8000 and he has had his xbox for like a year, and I had mine for 3 months.

Am I or is he just jealous?


not really 7000 is a little low. I have around 35k but I've I my xbox longer. aout 1 year and a half.

LOL! I've got mine for a year and a half as well and I've got only around 4500 GS :)

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#39 McSkurvy
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I'm somewhat of one. I won't go buy a game that has 5 achievements to get just to get an easy 1000. (Avatar) But I'll buy a game because I like it and then grind to get the achievements for it. Take Fallout 3 for example. I read all the achievements and I worked on getting those just for the sake of getting em. I'll never play Avatar because I don't really even like the show. So there is no point in even playing it. I think doing that kind of thing, you should be called an Achievement Sellout.

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#40 x2926014
Member since 2006 • 1372 Posts
[QUOTE="gotdangit"]So we played rockband and I told him there should be an achievment wehre you only use the solo buttons the whole song and get 100%, so I looked and I said there one where you 100% and one wehre you 100% a song, so I said ok, GamerForca
This is where you lost me.

I lost myself in your sigs...Benfica...seriously?
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#41 Ghost_702
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Probably because from the sound of it, you enjoy gloating about your achievements.
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#42 Hakud0ushi
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One thing is true the "bleep bloop" when you get an achivement it's kinda addictive. :D
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#43 gotdangit
Member since 2005 • 8151 Posts

No I don't like to get achievements to show off I like to get them just for the challenge. So when I get my account I get it to have fun on my account, then I try to get achievements for an extra little bonus.

Like if i'm playing Left 4 Dead at my friends house, we always play expert, I think one of the achievements is, not dying and beating the level on expert, so I try to play expert and not die, it's not like I restart all the way just so I can get that achievement, I just try everytime to get it, if I die, oh well.

I like to get achievements, I don't buy games to get achievements, I don't gloat because I have achievements. Theres just something satisfying about getting an achievement.

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#44 Electr1c-Shot
Member since 2007 • 345 Posts

I like to "harvest" achievments if you will. Only way you can become this "achievment whore" is if you think you are one.

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#45 doubalfa
Member since 2006 • 7108 Posts
I like achievements, but I only play games I like, so Ifeel like getting the most out of my games