Along with capture cards, gaming headsets such as Turtle Beach or Astros seem to be all the rage among gamers. Do you use a gaming headset? Why or why not?
im considering ordering a pair of turtle beaches actually.
i recently used a pair of them over at a buddies' house, it made the experience much more intense i felt. playing modern warfare and bf2 you could hear footsteps if people where in the same house as you, i heard deadspace is pretty scary with em on as well.
i use a pair of Turtle Beaches, i love them (and so does my girlfriend cause i dont make lots of noise anymore)
and as well as keeping the other half happy, they improve your multiplayer game, in a FPS anyway, because you can hear everything, the direction shots are coming from, the direction footsteps are approaching from all that kind of thing
I have a pair of Turtle Beaches X31's. They work great, you can hear everything (They cost $75 on Amazon). They are also great for watching films or tv shows with a lot of swearing, only you can hear it and it does not disturb anyone else.
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