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Yeah, the week after the 360 came out, there were already pcs more powerful than the console, hey! even before that. Pcs will always be more powerful than consoles, even the PS3... but as you might already know it comes at a high price, high end pcs are very expensive and consoles sell for reasonable prices.
graphics aren't everything.....
show me someone playing madden 08 or nhl 08 on super high settings on a pc and I will laugh because the physics are still a joke....madden 08 plays like 98......its a joke
felt the same way about COD 2 as well
360 over pc imo
graphics aren't everything.....
show me someone playing madden 08 or nhl 08 on super high settings on a pc and I will laugh because the physics are still a joke....madden 08 plays like 98......its a joke
felt the same way about COD 2 as well
360 over pc imo
I would imagine they use the same engine as the PC...and you can always buy a controller
[QUOTE="NOD_Grindking"]graphics aren't everything.....
show me someone playing madden 08 or nhl 08 on super high settings on a pc and I will laugh because the physics are still a joke....madden 08 plays like 98......its a joke
felt the same way about COD 2 as well
360 over pc imo
I would imagine they use the same engine as the PC...and you can always buy a controller
They don't...I have both, and I run my pc version all high with 50+ me, the games are VERY different.
I have a controller, whats your point about that?
first of all, if u know anything about PCs, u can have a very affordable gaming rig without buying top of the notch components. There not $3000 (sheesh)
2nd, PCs have been outdoing 360s for awhile and recently crysis has proven it can outdo the PS3. With later games such as Far Cry 2 and w/e else that might be coming out (havent checked for awhile) will continue to outperform the 360 and more of the ps3.
If i recall, doom 3 looked pretty horrid on the xbox, and so did half life 2. The framerates for crysis will be crippled on the xbox 360 due to memory issues. Stop thinking crysis will be coming to xbox... it might for ps3 though but who knows
first of all, if u know anything about PCs, u can have a very affordable gaming rig without buying top of the notch components. There not $3000 (sheesh)
2nd, PCs have been outdoing 360s for awhile and recently crysis has proven it can outdo the PS3. With later games such as Far Cry 2 and w/e else that might be coming out (havent checked for awhile) will continue to outperform the 360 and more of the ps3.
If i recall, doom 3 looked pretty horrid on the xbox, and so did half life 2. The framerates for crysis will be crippled on the xbox 360 due to memory issues. Stop thinking crysis will be coming to xbox... it might for ps3 though but who knows
Since when did Half Life 2 look horrid on the 360?
I hope this is a joke thread.
Simply put, yes, almost any high end PC can outperform an Xbox 360. I don't what videos you've been seeing but the reviewer for GameSpot put it in perfect words. It is perhaps the greatest looking FPS game ever seen and one has to truly play it to experience it. The 360, however, does a remarkeable job of optimization and being able to play relatively high-end games (in terms of graphics) at good framerates. Never compare a killer PC to a 360, it's no comparison.
Thing is...a good pc might be a little better "graphically"...BUT...In the end you really cant tell a huge difference with a finished playable game.COD4 on 360 looks mighty sweet to me.
PC gamers hype up Crysis all the time and really from the videos, to the screen shots I have seen..Its nothing Im gonna miss. Sorry pc fans..but its true.
As far as the "graphical difference" goes from PC to 360...Its about the same difference as GameCube to Xbox was. Not enough to write home about....
I choose conesole gaming cause its easy, fun and I dont have to worry about downloading 20minutes of map mods and extra content just to play on someones server..All the games run the same and play the same on consoles..JMHO
Thing is...a good pc might be a little better "graphically"...BUT...In the end you really cant tell a huge difference with a finished playable game.COD4 on 360 looks mighty sweet to me.
PC gamers hype up Crysis all the time and really from the videos, to the screen shots I have seen..Its nothing Im gonna miss. Sorry pc fans..but its true.
As far as the "graphical difference" goes from PC to 360...Its about the same difference as GameCube to Xbox was. Not enough to write home about....
I choose conesole gaming cause its easy, fun and I dont have to worry about downloading 20minutes of map mods and extra content just to play on someones server..All the games run the same and play the same on consoles..JMHO
agreed 100%
I find it's a lot more fun inviting a few friends over and playing a game locally on a console than sitting in a dark corner playing against people you don't even know. DrDeath10
you can do both things on the 360... its true.
Yes, but its comparing a $3000 PC to a $400 XboxDeathStar17
You must be joking. I built my PC back in February for around $1300, and it's perfectly capable of running Crysis with maximum settings at 1680x1050. Newegg is your friend.
The price argument is really lame anyway.The truth is that both are really expensive. To get the most out a 360, you need an HDTV and decent sound system. By that point, you're looking at spending just as much if not more than you would on a high end PC. The way I see it, that $400 price tag is just a teaser. Who's going to buy a 360 and not get an HDTV? Also keep in mind that 360 games are $60 vs $50 for PC games, and that you have to pay a yearly fee to play on Live. The 360 has the advantage of being significantly easier to set up and use, and due to having fixed hardware,the games are optimized for the platform and look and run the same for everyone. But then again,due to the evolving nature of the hardware on PC, it will naturally have some games like Crysis that completely push the envelope and blow everything on the consoles out of the water. Adecent PC is practically a requirement for living in modern society, and youll get all kinds of use out of it aside from just gaming; but you could also argue that you'll get countless hours of enjoyment out of that HDTV watching TV and movies.
I like to game on both, I prefer PC for most games and feel my PC outperforms my 360 in most areas. I dont know how to explain it but PCs get better more detailed textures for some reason. PCs seem to have shorter and fewer load times (more available memory).
BUT, a PC will cost you over 1000$ minus monitor where as a console will run you 400$. Also you usually have fewer launch issues with console games because developer don't have to worry about countless configurations and drivers like you do on PCs.
For me the game/game type dictates if I play it on Console or PC.
Sports Games
Games like Assassins Creed
First Person Shooters
Thing is...a good pc might be a little better "graphically"...BUT...In the end you really cant tell a huge difference with a finished playable game.COD4 on 360 looks mighty sweet to me.
PC gamers hype up Crysis all the time and really from the videos, to the screen shots I have seen..Its nothing Im gonna miss. Sorry pc fans..but its true.
As far as the "graphical difference" goes from PC to 360...Its about the same difference as GameCube to Xbox was. Not enough to write home about....
I choose conesole gaming cause its easy, fun and I dont have to worry about downloading 20minutes of map mods and extra content just to play on someones server..All the games run the same and play the same on consoles..JMHO
I'm going to have to completely disagree with you here. Maybe you have not experienced playing a graphics intensive game on a high-end gaming rig but once you do, especially on a game like Crysis, I'm willing to bet that your jaw will drop down wide open and go, "OMG". It's that amazing. Like I said, the 360 is much better optimized and is generally meant to appeal to the masses that prefer not to hassle with upgrading their hardware every so often or those that simply aren't "computer savvy". A console like the 360, for example, is a great entertainment when having friends and family over whereas a PC is probably most centered around one person.
first of all, if u know anything about PCs, u can have a very affordable gaming rig without buying top of the notch components. There not $3000 (sheesh)
2nd, PCs have been outdoing 360s for awhile and recently crysis has proven it can outdo the PS3. With later games such as Far Cry 2 and w/e else that might be coming out (havent checked for awhile) will continue to outperform the 360 and more of the ps3.
If i recall, doom 3 looked pretty horrid on the xbox, and so did half life 2. The framerates for crysis will be crippled on the xbox 360 due to memory issues. Stop thinking crysis will be coming to xbox... it might for ps3 though but who knows
the ps3 hasnt proven it can outdo the 360 yet
i don't play pc games cuz i don't upgrade my pc all the time with the newest video cards and all that, plus i love my xbox 360, but man for those saying that Crysis looks just decent from the videos and screenshots, STOP JUDGING THINGS JUST OFF THE INTERNET.
I went to my friend's house who always has the top high end pc, and he was running Crysis, it is the most beautiful, well made game i have ever seen so i tell all you, if you want to see how Crysis is, you need to see it in real life.
PC of course will always dominate the consoles, but the best thing about the consoles is that you can just buy it once and enjoy it for a few years (unless it breaks lol)
[QUOTE="ThE_SoCK"]first of all, if u know anything about PCs, u can have a very affordable gaming rig without buying top of the notch components. There not $3000 (sheesh)
2nd, PCs have been outdoing 360s for awhile and recently crysis has proven it can outdo the PS3. With later games such as Far Cry 2 and w/e else that might be coming out (havent checked for awhile) will continue to outperform the 360 and more of the ps3.
If i recall, doom 3 looked pretty horrid on the xbox, and so did half life 2. The framerates for crysis will be crippled on the xbox 360 due to memory issues. Stop thinking crysis will be coming to xbox... it might for ps3 though but who knows
the ps3 hasnt proven it can outdo the 360 yet
Yea true, the only PS3s i've seen have been on HDTV and i own a SDTV, so i dunno i guess lol
and before, im talking about half life 2 for original xbox.. yes it did exist
first of all, if u know anything about PCs, u can have a very affordable gaming rig without buying top of the notch components. There not $3000 (sheesh)
2nd, PCs have been outdoing 360s for awhile and recently crysis has proven it can outdo the PS3. With later games such as Far Cry 2 and w/e else that might be coming out (havent checked for awhile) will continue to outperform the 360 and more of the ps3.
If i recall, doom 3 looked pretty horrid on the xbox, and so did half life 2. The framerates for crysis will be crippled on the xbox 360 due to memory issues. Stop thinking crysis will be coming to xbox... it might for ps3 though but who knows
in the end it isn't even realy about power, it's about content, and after crysis games don't realy need to look any better. besides pc's are always kinda short on great content compared to consoles so i wouldn't worrie about it.wreak
Lets analyze that statement, in general most PC games last longer than 5 - 8 hours, which has become the standard for most Console titles.
does apoweful pc can overcome a xbox 360? i made this question because everybody is saying that 360 cant handle crysis because it isn't enough powerful. is that right? i doubt it because i saw videos that clearly shows that xbox graphics are way better than crysis.jouninkakashi31
I had a choice between a top of the line PC this year (I'm talking about a super computer.. sli top of the line nvidia cards, fastest processor, blah blah) or I could get a 360 or PS3 and have a nice car.
Seeing as a high end PC makes a downpayment on a car look cheap. x_x
So yeah, I drive a brand new Civic Si and I think I enjoy it a **** load more than some stupid PC that can run Crysis and Hellgate. Not to mention I can keep up with suped up Preludes easily now.
PCs are way more powerful than the 360 or even the PS3, and no, neither console could ever dream of running Crysis. Too little RAM and outdated GPU's will make sure of that.monco59
You know, I think developers and pc gamers hype up all this power and saying this machine will not run this or that...I think most of that is hype for people to THINK they have to upgrade to keep up all the time.
What im trying to say is...My 4 year old pc can run COD4 just fine and I only have 512mb ddr2 3200 ram...A P4 3gig..Nvidia Geforce 6800GT....its all outdated and worthless....BUT I can run COD4....Funny how that is..
So what im saying, is ....I wouldnt doubt my 360 being able to run ANY game made as the specs developers say you need...YOU DONT...So people please quit hyping up pc's over rated power.
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