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Ratchet&Clank Series
Uncharted Series
Heavy Rain
The Last Guardian
Mass Effect Series
Alan Wake
Left4 Dead Series
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach
i see where your comming from but when it comes to my taste the only thing i care about on the ps3 list is God Of War 3 i thought resistance was a waste of a great idea... FF vs is ok.. i don't give a crap about racing games... 360 owners can just get prototype instead of infamous to get their god fix.. and i love fable... plus a good amount of games that are on both consoles are better on the 360
can't agree really but it is a good comparison and 360 defenitly isn't the top dog anymore when it comes to veriety
it's based on opinion but that list you showed was much better than the ps3 list so your kind of defeating your own argument...
it's based on opinion but that list you showed was much better than the ps3 list so your kind of defeating your own argument...
i was just listing things he missed, he got most of the HUGE titles
Ratchet&Clank Series
Uncharted Series
Heavy Rain
The Last Guardian
Mass Effect Series
Alan Wake
Left4 Dead Series
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach
Ratchet&Clank Series
Uncharted Series
Heavy Rain
The Last Guardian
Mass Effect Series
Alan Wake
Left4 Dead Series
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach
well were talking about consoles...
Ratchet&Clank Series
Uncharted Series
Heavy Rain
The Last Guardian
Mass Effect Series
Alan Wake
Left4 Dead Series
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach
well were talking about consoles...
Mass Effect, Alan Wake and L4D are not exclusive..Darkslayer16
well were talking about consoles...
yes we all know that :)
I've searched for all the exclusives on both PS3 and Xbox 360 and I struggle to see where Microsoft are going with their exclusives. I'm an Xbox fan myself, thinking of buying the premium 60gb console after I sold my core console last year, but when I see the exclusives that playstation has it makes me want a change over to them... however, they are too expensive for time being! PS3; Final Fantasy Versus XIII God of War III Gran Turismo 5 Infamous Killzone 2 LittleBigPlannet Metal Gear Solid 4 MotorStorm 1 Motorstorm 2 Resistance: Fall of Man Resistance 2 SOCOM: I.S. Navy SEALS Confrontation Time Crisis 4 Xbox 360; Crackdown Crackdown 2 Dead Rising Fable II Forza Motorsport 2 Forza Motorsport 3 Gears 0f War Gears of War 2 Halo 3 Project Gotham Racing 3 Project Gotham Racing 4 Saints Row These are the only decent exclusives for both consoles I could think of. Would you agree that Sony have the upper hand against Microsoft now?armanicode
There are way more decent exclusives for both consoles. for example the 360 has massefect, the halo series, Fable 2, and perfect dark zero. Then there is the ps3 which has kilzone 2, Heavenly sword, and the Rachet and clank series.
Ratchet&Clank Series
Uncharted Series
Heavy Rain
The Last Guardian
Mass Effect Series
Alan Wake
Left4 Dead Series
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach
Massefect is only on the xbox360 so what are you talking about?
well were talking about consoles...
Alan Wake will be published by Microsoft, so it is a Microsoft Exclusive.
Same can be said about MLB 09: The Show.... If it's on more than 2 platforms, it's not exclusive.
So no Alan Wake (PC/360), no Splinter Cell (PC/360), no Mass Effect (PC/360), no L4D (PC/360). Works both ways too, no MLB 09: The Show (PS3/PS2/PSP), no DC Universe (PS3/PC).
The Xbox 360 list is missing some titles:
Halo Wars
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Infinite Undiscovery
In my opinion the PS3 is a weak console. The exclusives are always overhyped and usually a let down, the multiplatform games. almost every title run and look better on the 360, and PS3 owners are constantly waiting for ports from the 360 (Bioshock, Tales of Vesperia, etc). On top of that the online service is way better and for someone like me who plays more online this is very important.
You only say that because you're a Sony fanboy.You have a terrible PS3 list and its still better than 360
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