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yea i agree. the orange box won't be the game of the year. only because, Half life 2 was already played in the past. and also the orange box was a bragin, it was the only way the developers cna show off thier new games. such as portal and teamfortress 2. thats why they have decided to stick half life into it to. i think bioshock or assasin's creed. will contend for game of the year.
I say please dont put COD4 as GOTY.. so doesn't deserve it IMO. not bad but its not the game of the year..
Personally I think Mass Effect should be up there but with Kevin Vanords biased and stupid reviews I doubt that nowjudas-savior
Mass Effect is my 360 game of the year hands down
Im 17 hours into mass effect and not done it yet... the reviewer probably missed a whole bunch of the awesome side quests (:
please dont tell me you want halo 3 for GOTY.....:?outbreak201
Actually yes.. all the other games dont deserve it... specially SMG that would be disaster... Crysis?? well the hardware to run it fully isnt even out.. World of Conflict?? hmm C&Crules ~!!!!! COD4 mm singleplayer is OK...Bioshock was too short and full of bugs.. Orangebox is crap I dont understand what people like about it HL i2 is already played out.. episode 1 is too short to make it count.. Portal like the guy said and I just cant understand whats so good about it.. same goes for TF2..
I think Halo3 had a great single player.. Co-Op is also a strong point.. skulls collection and difficulty is also a strong point.. well Multiplayer every1 already knows.. it rocks and its fun, aslong as you dont loose.. lol
Orange box is not GOTY material. the games are great, but half life isnt a 07 game and portal and TF2 dont cut it on their own(deja vu post, posted the exact same message 5 times).
anyway I guess the GOTY battle is between crysis, mario galaxy, mass effect, Assassins creed (halo3 sad but true is also up there) edit: forgot bioshock
Please don't put Bioshock or Orange Box up for game of the year, Bioshock had a crappy ending, boring gameplay, and repetetive combat. And even though your getting five games in Orange box, TF 2 is always laagy as hell, Poratl is only like 2 hours, and HL and Episode 1 are nothing new.Please don't do it Gamespot!!!THE-TRAP-CARD
Incase you didn't know, GS puts out two award ceremonies yearly.
One: The user choice awards. This is where the GS users decide what game deserves the noble honors, or the dubious ones.
Two: The Editors choice awards. This is where the GS staff decides what games deserve which awards. They usually base their decision on the games review score. This year though, they may not do that due to the new review system they have.
Please don't put Bioshock or Orange Box up for game of the year, Bioshock had a crappy ending, boring gameplay, and repetetive combat. And even though your getting five games in Orange box, TF 2 is always laagy as hell, Poratl is only like 2 hours, and HL and Episode 1 are nothing new.Please don't do it Gamespot!!!THE-TRAP-CARD
Considering Super Mario Galaxy is the best reviewed game of all time, the answer is pretty obvious. But Bioshock did change storytelling in videogames forever, and was some of the most riveting time I've spent with a piece of interactive entertainment. And that's saying alot.
Hopefuuly halo 3 will not get goty. its just more of the same. this year has seen may new innovations on the xbox, the packaging of 5 games for price of 1 with the orange box, assasins creed is like no other game currently out, mass effect is a great combination of many things will ultimately end up as a great end product, bioshock had one of the best and immersive stories in any game while also pulling off great visuals and is completely different game play wise from anything else that has come out this year.
I think bioshock, mass effect or assasins creed will win cos they each were fresh in their own specific way. Cod 4 may get it because of its popularity
Please don't put Bioshock or Orange Box up for game of the year, Bioshock had a crappy ending, boring gameplay, and repetetive combat. And even though your getting five games in Orange box, TF 2 is always laagy as hell, Poratl is only like 2 hours, and HL and Episode 1 are nothing new.Please don't do it Gamespot!!!THE-TRAP-CARD
That is yooour opinion and i can already tell you i am sure botu of those games are going to be nominated.
I am not a fan of OB (even though i loved portal) but i completely disagree with you on BioShock.
I think BShock is one of the most interesting games of the year
Please don't put Bioshock or Orange Box up for game of the year, Bioshock had a crappy ending, boring gameplay, and repetetive combat. And even though your getting five games in Orange box, TF 2 is always laagy as hell, Poratl is only like 2 hours, and HL and Episode 1 are nothing new.Please don't do it Gamespot!!!THE-TRAP-CARD
Its either going to be ME or COD4, either is better than Halo
Halo 3 was mediocre. Atleast BioShock and Assassins Creed were creative and new. Mass Effect is gorgeous on the eyes but they kindof gave up when it came to the Vehicles, it's an awful experience driving that damn thing. So who knows, a lot of this years promising games were just empty promises, I loved BioShock and Assassins Creed, hated Halo, and Mass Effect is well it's not amazing, but it's not terrible. But thats just one kids opinion.
The Mass Effect review on GS was a joke. I usually hate RPG's but I am so riveted in Mass Effect. I am 12 hours in and nowhere near finished. Its definately xbox 360 GOTY.
However I think SMG will win GOTY. Best reviewed game in history. I think its a given its going to win.
Halo 3 shoudl definately NOT get GOTY cause it was terribly boring single player. Orange box is kewl, i've never had lag issues on TF2... so don't know where you got that from. Bioshock, is long and entertaining and kinda hard, I would be satisfied if it won, but SMG really was entertaining, unique and well, just kept me entertainied righ tto the end. It would love for that to win (sorry 360 fans, i love my 360 but this time a wii game has actually been good for a change).
My top 5 are:
1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. Bioshock
3. Mass Effect
4. .. i don't have a four or five. (Well, ... Assassins creed, but it won't win)
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