Well, if you're lookin' at games like Banjo Kazooie, yeah, get a 360.
Viva Pinata, though looked down upon for some reason, is one of the most addictive games I've ever played. Play if for about half an hour, get a feel for it and how it functions, then you'll never stop. In my opinion, way too deep to be a kids game like it was marketed. Kinda like Pokemon, but there's no battleing, just raising your Pinatas and your Pinata Garden.
CoD 2 was awesome. Stay the hell away from 3, it wasn't made by Infinity Ward, it was aweful, I don't care what the reviews said. 2 people were shooting at each other, one at the top of the stairs, one at the bottom... they were shooting straight ahead, not up or down, just straight. They hit the wall and the stairs... I threw a grenade at the guy at the top, he picked it up, threw it back in my direction straight ahead of himself, it bounced off the wall in front of him, he died anyway... ****ing - stupid.
Kameo was a good game, but really didn't get looked at that much.
Frontlines looks cool, and I've played the Demo to it. It functions well and the whole idea behind the gameplay is actually pretty cool. I kinda wish they reinforced the whole, "Push your enemy back and you move forward," thing though. It feels like you play a mission however you like, but the only new things that happen are because of you. The enemy never takes back area you might have taken because the defenses there dropped. That's the only thing I actully didn't like about it, but it's a minor issue.
I don't remember what other games you had on your list, but I would definitely suggest Call of Duty 4. It was a masterpiece not just in gaming, but entertainment in general. Of course since I'm a 360 owner, I'm suppose to suggest Halo 3, but I won't. It was fun, and Forge is kinda cool, as well as the whole Save Film thing, but unless you like the style of run-n-gun FPS it is, or if you've played the previous titles, it's actually not as good as you'd think. Just get Halo 1 if you have to, and if you like it, you can get 2 and then 3 if you feel good enough about, because Halo 1 is just one of those games that will never be bested by it's developer. Bungie will never make a game that good, that viceral, again.
Let's see... you might enjoy Marvel Ultimate Alliance (rent it first)... MAYBE Mass Effect, but that's a big maybe. I just figure since you like Rare's games, you might be more patient than most, making Mass Effect more of an interest, but only because it has shooting element, special power elements, and a great story. It's not a run-n-gun, action explosion-fest, but it is awesome.
I won't suggest GTA IV, because that's not your kind of game I'm figuring. I don't like it either. That rules out Assassin's Creed and all those other sandbox titles... not Gears of War.... yeah, pretty much the few I suggested that wasn't on your list.
CoD 4
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Mass Effect (if you like sci-fi, adventures)
... and just maybe Halo 1 (works fine on a 360, still worth the money)
Well, I hope any of my suggestions catch you eye or that my insight on you list is helpful in some way. Enjoy your 360 if you do indeed purchase one.
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