I'm not sure weather this topic has brought up and if so please let me know okay? I don't honestly feel like all of the threads, all 1,435,212:P This is why I come here, can anyone out there confirm 100% that they are going to discontinue making the 360 core system? I have herd the rumor, but I think it is attempt by stores. To to get you to buy the Xbox Elite:) One rumor I have herd, and I doubt it. Because an employee at Walmart told me. But apparently they are going to put out 2 copies of the game, on for the regular 360 and one for the Elite? What from I can tell, except from the hard drive, I really don't see the difference between, the regular 360 and the Elite?
Don't listen to Walmart emplotees, they don't know what they are talking about. M$ will not stop making the core anytime soon. They will never make two copies of a game, one for the core and one for the premium or elite. The only differences b/n the premium and elite is the color and HDMI cable and a larger hardrive.
I'm not buying the Elite, I don't think the 360 looks as "next-gen" decked out in black. The only plus side to the Elite for me would be the 120 GB HDD. I don't even care about the HDMI.
I agree with all of you, gamerfreak1991&gatsbythepig make a good point. The Elite kinda reminds me of the PS3? or is just me? Your right about Walmart employees, I know personally they don't get paid by commission? at least I don't think so? When I went to go buy my 360, I wanted the core system. And then they tried to tell me all of this other stuff, I knew back then the were planning on a new hard drive. I did not know how many gigabytes? From where I stand, you don't need the hard drive unless your planning on playing your old xbox games? See, I kept my Xbox:P It was the Halo edition one, and it's a collectors item. So, if I want to play any of my old games I can. I plan on contacting Microsoft on Monday, to see how this rumor got started? Thanks to all who, gave me feedback and participated in my poll. Microsoft is about the all mighty $.
I'm not buying the Elite, I don't think the 360 looks as "next-gen" decked out in black. The only plus side to the Elite for me would be the 120 GB HDD. I don't even care about the HDMI.gamerfreak1991
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