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Huge disappointment! And to make matters worse for me I sold my ps3 last week :( thanks alot for failing this year Microsoft!
I think it was a success. It is clear Microsoft is going to support the Xbox 360 for some time which for me is a good thing. I also think they showed off some really good games even though we knew about most of them. Kinect is lame and the games they showed were lame BUT I am glad it was thoses games and not Halo, Gears, or Fable. If Microsoft keeps Kinect away from good games then I have no problems with it. The voice and facial recogition features I am interested in though. Also, the new Xbox 360 looks really good and they priced it perfectly. Overall I think they did a good job even though I wanted to puke during the animal game.
For me I think E3 was a fail for Microsoft. There were really no games that excited me other than Fable 3. I have never gotten caught up the Halo hype or Gears hype. So those games did nothing for me. I am still unsurre about Kinect. Most of the stuff they showed off looked like things we have already seen on the Wii. Plus at $150.00 price point they priced it out of people's range. Think they would have been better at $!00. Surprisngly I found myself watching Nintendo's press conference and coming awayt with a list a mile long of games that I want to get. Guess things just go in cycles Last year it was the opposite. Sony did well but most of the games they were showing were not PS3 exclusives so I think they lost a little bit of steam there. As for MoveI think it will end up being the better of the two motion devices because of it already being incorpated into many of the PS3 games coming out soon.
MS's showing this year was terrible for people like me. The good games it did show (GeOW etc) we already new about and did very little to suprise me. The fact the future COD dlc will be exclusive to 360 is only good news if u work for MS or are a complete fanboy - I don't care what PS3 users get to play, as long as I have a decent line up of games. And then you have Kinect - I was genuinely intrigued by it until this conference where MS basically confirmed it will initially be just a load of casual games - the kind of games that have until recently meant I've only played the Wii for SNES games on the virtual console...(ok, I do enjoy mario kart on it, but my point remains)
Pretty fail IMO. Its comparable to Nintendo at E3... 08 wasn't it? When they just showed off crap like Wii music? Instead of showing stuff for real gamers... they base the majority of their conference around gimmicky rubbish for casuals. All in all, it was pretty crap.
Although... the slim did look good. Shame I already have a 360, because I dont see the point in chucking it just to get one that looks better.
overall, it was a HUGE success. Just M$, it was weak but not that bad.
Donkey Kong Country Returns, King of Fighters XIII, Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Kid Icarus Uprising, Rayman Origins, Ghost Recon, and last but not least Gears of War 3.
The problem people is that people were expecting new announcements, but this years E3 was short on surprises, it was mostly demonstrations of the new motion controllers. With the internet most of the games shown at E3 were known beforehand, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. I didn't mind seeing gameplay and sneak previews. Looking forward to gaming for 2011 as alot of exciting titles are coming out.
Depends for who? For nintendo fans, its was like christmas. If your a SONY fan, its was pretty good aslo, but not really as good. If you were a MS fan that likes your hardcore games, I think you were royaly dissapointed.
The Microsoft Conference sucked, but if you include the multiplatform games coming to the 360 within the next year, it was a major success. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Hunted: The Demon's Forge, Halo: Reach, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Child of Eden, DeathSpank, Fable III, Gears of War 3, RAGE, Sonic 4, Medal of Honor.
Those are the games I'm looking forward to.
success from a business standpoint, i have a feeling kinect is gonna be in the home of every soccer mom and tween this christmas.
Otherwise pretty lackluster. Pumped for fable 3, could care less about gears... and might get reach.
Mostly a disappointment for me.
What I liked was that Nintendo is doing something new with Metroid, Sony is making another twisted metal which wont suck and Microsoft made the new Xbox and Halo Reach
What I was majorly disappointed on was no PSP2 OR Handheld Xbox, and I guess this isn't a disappointment but I really wanted it was a Final Fantasy 7 or 8 remake =p ORRRRR Conker 2.... WHEN ARE THEY GOINNA MAKE ANOTHER! seriously the first was a huge success.
OHH.. I guess its too soon but I would have liked to hear something about ME3
Depends on which demographic that you fall in.. but I was happy enough with Future Soldier, Dead Space 2, RAGE, and Halo Reach alone... So yeah. ;)Elian2530Rage looks like a great game so does Dead space 2 and the rest you mentioned.
For Microsoft, it wasn't the best I've seen from them, especially we've seen much better in previous years, but there's still plenty for Xbox owners to look forward to later this year and next. Their "hardcore" portion was exciting, and sadly it was overlooked by many. Kinect shows potential, but there aren't many games to show for it though. And we all know about the slim.
Gears 3 looks good
Cod looks too similar yet again, not buying.
Halo actually looked really boring, not buying.
MGS Rising looked different, will keep my eye on it.
Everything else was a waste of time.
This years E3 was nowhere near as exciting as last year. I felt there was a lot of repetition from Microsoft and they focused way too much on Kinect. Nintendo were a little desperate. Sony was the most appealing to me this year, and I don't even really use any of my Sony consoles. They had the most brand new games to announce. I expected better, but it wasn't a total disaster.
Worst E3 i have ever watched makes me wanna sell my 360/ps3 god most those new ps3 games have bad graphics like KZ3 looks worst then KZ2 even tho killzone sucks and that new twisted metal looks like they built it for the ps2 and MOVE looks stupid id rather play wii ill sell my 360 just to buy the new 1gundaicutTurn that frown upside down :)
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