a Friend of mine showed me this but an extremely easy way to get untouchables is on the dead air campaign what you need to do is before you turn on the pump is to melee the chain gun i know it sounds weird but melee the chain gun after so many hits get on the truck and jump off and land on the chain gun you should spring up in the air and land on the wing of the plan (NOTE be sure not to hit it for to long or you will fly off the map) but win your entire team is on the plane send one guy to turn the pump on and hop back on the plane. it will help if you or your team has pipe bombs but save them for the end. the tanks that come along should not be able to get on the plane with you but beware of smokers just stay close together if someone gets snared after the plane has fuelled up wait a couple of seconds for the horde to show toss out one pipe bomb at a time to get rid of them, afterwards at the same time you need to jump off the plane and head on inside
easy. no one should take any damage, and i still dont understand why the chaingun becomes aspringboard but i dont care
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