New Elderscrolls game needs to go back to the basics. Elderscrolls was at its best when it had a HUGE WORLD with TONS of quests,etc... like DAGGERFALL and MORROWIND. Oblivion had much smaller everything, only thing Oblivion did better was graphics and everything else they did was much much worse.
Daggerfall had HUGE HUGE cities that could take ages and ages to travel across and check out.
Oblivion was dumbed down for this gen and I REALLY REALLY hope that Elderscrolls returns to its roots for the next one with MUCH bigger cities, more quests, more NPCS and just a bigger world.
Don't forget the combat, most would agree that Oblivion was an improvement.
Anyway, I wouldn't wory too much. This was their first 360 game. Now that they have more experience with the console, I'm guessing we'll at least get a much bigger land, more quests, weapons, spells, ect.
Personally, I would like them to keep the bright forest landscape, but also mix in other areas with completely new landscapes(swamp, jungle, ect).
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