the arcade is ok.but if ur gonna buy more games and download stuff on the xbox live marketplace then ur gonna have to go with pro.
and for the holidays it comes with two free games.Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Forza Motorsport 2.Plus its harddrive is good enough to keep u lasted for some time.
but if ur a guy whos on a low budget then i'd go with the comes with 5 free arcade games to get u started (not very good ones IMO).its memory isnt as big as a pro or elite harddrive so that could be some trouble if ur a kind of guy who downloads and buys alot of games.
the elite IMO is too over priced.sure it comes with alot of memory but i still think its not worth might also make ur wallet cry because u might not have enough money to buy games.
the choice is yours on what console to get but if it was me i would go with the pro system.but if ur trying to save some cash for games then go with the arcade system.regardless of with console u get i hope u become happy with ur choice.........PRO OWNS!!!lol
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