HD-DVD Add On ($200+), Wireless Adapter ($100+), Wireless Racing Wheel ($150+), Vision Camera ($40+)?
They add up to around the same price.
I'd choose the Xbox 360 Elite, because I don't have one in this new house, I left my premium with my brother. And I think for first time 360 buyers, they might as well get the Elite.
It depends. Do you plan on using the IPTV, or movie downloads? If so get the Elite. I would wait on the HD DVD unless your a movie fanatic. HD DVD does not have the studio support that Blu Ray has and has been outsold on the software side since the PS3 has been released. And this is coming from an HD DVD backer. Honesly though, I would just buy the overpriced HDD, because if you don't have a 1080p set than it's pointless to cop an elite.
Given that my HD-DVD Add On broke yesterday and Microsoft refuses to either fix or replace because it is one month past the pathetic 3 month long warranty offered on the product, I have to say I couldn't suggest that route at this time. Hell, if you have $490 just burning a hole in your pocket then I'd say go grab a $600 PS3. You get the Wireless, the Bluray and a brand new console that will give you access to some of the PS3 exclusives.
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