Looking for a quick answer here. I don't have cable, I don't want to have cable. But I do want to watch ESPN and such. The X360 has ESPN for it, do all I need is an Xbox Live account? Or do I also need the service through my cable provider? Thanks,
and the ESPN on the xbox360 is NOT anywhere near the same experience you get by having cable. You basically get ESPN3 content on your TV, instead of your computer. That's all. So if your Internet provider does not support ESPN3, then you will NOT be able to access ESPN on xboxlive.
If you have internet chances are you can just watch ESPN online. If you have Xbox Live Gold membership then you can watch it through your TV screen. If you ask me the whole ESPN thing is a big waste of our money. Do you know how much ESPN charges most cable providers to allow them to use ESPN? Pretty much a fourth of your cable bill is used to pay off sports channels you might not even watch. Tough luck arguing it though, it comes as a bulk package. The big increase in price for Xbox Live is probably due to ESPN. The fact is a lot of us don't NEED it on our 360s, as we have ESPN on our cable. I've used the 360 streaming of ESPN once, just to try it out. It was mostly slow to load and buggy. If I wanted to watch a game, I'd flip to the channel. I for one think it was a bad idea on Microsoft's part to include it. It's all just one big marketing ploy. They look better when they have ESPN's logo next to the Xbox 360 package in stores and they think people will be more inclined to purchase. Sigh... corporate thinking 101.
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