[QUOTE="decepticondevil"] I don't recommend it, personally. I've had it for over a year and I can never get the games I want... just recently I had 6 360 games at the top of my queue (most of them games that have been out for quite a while), and they sent me the PSP game that was at #7.
Being able to keep them as long as you want is definitely a plus, but for as much as they charge (the price has gone UP since I got it, while Netflix has reduced theirs) you think they could get enough copies of each game to keep people satisfied. The truth is that they sell the older games so there's never any of them in stock, and the new popular games are always rented out to the people on their free trials because they want them to think it's a great service... which means your chances of getting what you really want are usually slim.
If they didn't rent out PSP games I probably would have cancelled by now.
Yeah, that's the problem with renting. You have to kinda strategize what you want. You have to put only the games you want now. For example, if you want to rent Condemned 2, Army of Two, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, only put those and remove everything else. Gamefly does tell you that in the GameQ. They will send whatever is available despite the order in the list. It's a doube edged sword. Sometimes it may take up to a week or more for a new release to ship to your home, therefore you lose out on week(s) of potential gaming when you could have rented something else. I guess if you're trying to rent a game, you wouldnt mind waiting for it, seeing that you dont want it as bad as other games you buy. Personally, I buy games I think are excellent, and rent others and I dont mind waiting for the games I want to rent.
Well, I'm paying like $23 a month for two games at a time.... if I only put what I want on the list and end up waiting two weeks to get a game, I'm wasting money on the service. Either way it's pretty lame.
That said, I'm the sucker that's still paying for it... just saying, I'd recommend waiting until they get their act together a bit more. The new distro centers are a plus, but as I said... I'm in Michigan and I still wait a week or more to get a game. And in the year+ I've used it, I have seen no improvement whatsoever on game availability. None. In fact, it seems to be getting worse as the service gains popularity, which tells me the're not spending that extra money on more stock.
I really wish Netflix would just buy them out... not even integrate the two even (though that would be nice too), just run gamefly like they do the movie rentals... that's a far far superior service. I know there's a big difference in pricing and everything, but still... just the way Netflix is run makes gamefly look like an amateur service.
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