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I have sacrificed other games so that I could get both. They are both pre-ordered and paid for, just waiting on that phone call to say "COME AND GET IT".... which will probably be 2-3 days after release knowing the stores here!!!Hawkeye747
you know if you still have the preorder receipt you can just go in on each games launch and get them both?
i choose both because im curious about fable maybe its a good game
fallout 3 ill get it ones it comes out
I preordered Fable 2 for the 360, and my brother pre-ordered Fallout 3 for the PC. win win situation! (:
Both :]
I'm going to get Fable 2 when it comes out because I've been looking forawrd to it since forever.
Then Fable can keep me busy until I get Fallout 3 on my birthday on November 5th.
I missed out on the whole Fallout thing, I only found out about it about a week ago, but I'm getting more and more excited :]
well thats a tough choice but it looks like you would be able to do more with fallout3 graphics gamplay plenty of diffrent ending and alot of ways to go,but also have more of a online experiance with a friend with co-op on fable2 (imagine joining your friend world and kill his whole family then he has to start a new family if you want to be evil):twisted: i really liked fable 1 never played any of the fallouts, so i guess it a close your eyes and pick one type of choice
Fallout 3 and thats because Im tight on cash. But the game take place in different settings that most RPG and that gameplay looks and feels different than traditional takes. So Im putting money on the new experience.
Fable 2 sounds cool also. mainly because of the co-op element and how you can walk into someone else's world at any time. Still, I'll probably wait to get a used copy for this game.
I know the obvious answer is BOTH. So many good games, so little time and money! I have Fable 2 and Castlevania:OoE on hold (Oct 21) but Fallout 3 is looking more and more attractive to me and comes out on the 28th. What are YOU choosing and why?dreamsteel
Both for me, I want force myself to buy either one of the other one, if I did it would be Fallout 3 since thats the game I want to play the most out of all the games comming out in general.
[QUOTE="Hawkeye747"]I have sacrificed other games so that I could get both. They are both pre-ordered and paid for, just waiting on that phone call to say "COME AND GET IT".... which will probably be 2-3 days after release knowing the stores here!!!somethincoolest
you know if you still have the preorder receipt you can just go in on each games launch and get them both?
Oh yeah I know that... the stores are awesome at calling you the instance they get the game.... it's just that they dont actually GET the game until a couple days after release... sucks to be me lol
fallout3, because i love bethesdas work (TES morrowind and oblivon) morrowind being my fav game. the game looks massive and interactive. the customization options. what isnt there thats appealing about this game?
as for fable2 i'll get it after every one is either done with it or a price drop in no hurry, plus there many other game i would rather have. including some last gen.
I g2 admit that Fable 2 has huge potential. Lionhead avoided its would have been huge mistake of not including co-op during launch. Now since you can jump online when you first get the game, Im thinking it'll be awesome that you get to share the experience from the getgo.
I know that I'll probably invest 50 hours into fallout 3, do everything in the single player and stick it in my collection afterwards. With Fable 2, I feel like I'll be able to come back to it just because of the online portions.
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