Well i cant speak for all but with all the games this year most have been major buggy. i will not speak of whom but of they, "fable 3" is great game just most voracious bugs Ive seen to date. i mean utter nightmares, =================================================================== 1: coop when closing in on loading screens does not actually load due some odd delay, =================================================================== 2:demon doors will not open for every one but must be persistent to get them open when you shouldn't be when it's something developers should fix =================================================================== 3:atrocious lag when online or off, it's bad, it grows on you but just foul. =================================================================== 4:loading screens take for ever and result in a infinite black screen that could take 5 minutes to wait or longer on occasions on coop. =================================================================== 5:if something goes wrong between saves your forced to do the collection on anything you had, books, gnomes, ect =================================================================== 6:sun set mansions glitched the chess board sits in idle and does not function at all when it saves forcing you to do a mission you already did resulting not being able to fast travel once inside mansion, nor be able to play chess ==================================================================== While there are many more these are the games major down fall it's easy to look past but really annoying that you cannot have 3 save slots to back track mistakes, since auto save is good just not good when the games buggy, Any one on xbox experience these things
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