can you only marry the characters who have a "Househusband/Housewife" following their name? i got my relationship with a "Gary the Trader" maxed out in love, and the game is saying iv reached the furthest i can in that relationship with that person...i have wedding rings and own all the property in the game, does my morality have anything to do with it (completely evil)?
When you go to interact with them hit RT and check their sexual orientation. That could be why you can't marry them. You can marry pretty much any NPC you can interact with as long as they're interested in whatever sex you are.
Ya I made the mistake of hitting too much on a lesbian, so I made sure they were straight my second go through and still no luck....not sure if my games glitched out or what, I've been hearing of lots of glitches since release.
meant to say gay not 'lesbian', and anyways you don't even get to the "Love" part of a relationship if someone is gay/lesbian, furthest you can get is "best friend" thx for tryin to help though =)
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