dude im 20 yrs old. anyone that plays a game for 20mins and quits because its boring, TBH shouldnt be playing video games. If thats the way that the OP looks at video games then their demographic of games is severely limited. that to me is pathetic. Thus why would i try being helpful and encourage this person to play a game that they are too impatient to actually enjoy the masterpiece before them?nottu
fallout 3... a masterpiece? haha. thats more of a sad laugh, just so you know. Please consider that fallout 3 has the worst, lamest ending of almost any game i've ever played, also consider the broken mechanics of NPC interaction where-in if you steal from 1 person and get caught, the entire town will come after you, people will literally wake up and randomly know that you've stolen and are now an enemy, until you leave the town and suddenly everyone forgets. Also consider the horrible AI of ally NPC characters, the fact that your alignment affects little more than which NPC allies will join you, the broken physics engine, the half-arsed enemy character design... the list goes on and on and on and on with whats wrong with this game, these complaints dont stop it from being a pretty awesome game, but calling it a masterpiece flows in the same vein as comparing a buskers characature of your sister to the mona lisa. I figured out your problem nottu, you're a fanboy, you're so blindly in love with this game that if someone comments in a negative manner towards it then you feel it deeply and personally. this isn't necessarily a bad thing, you just need to realize that you are in fact a f3 fanboy and subsequently need to control yourself around the normals.
After almost two years of 'When does this game get good? I'm in the vault and it's too slow!' and other questions all clearly showing that people tend to think that Fallout 3 is yet another FPS game, it's easy to become somewhat annoyed.It's an RPG with FPS elements, it makes me wonder if the publishers should have slapped that on the box in neon lights with the added 'It is not an FPS game!'. Though I doubt that would have helped either.
The game is designed to be slow going, it pushes the player to think for themselves instead of relying on a constant hand holding element that so many other games do.
It requires patience, not to go running in, guns blazing and expecting to complete the game within a few hours. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still the same way with New Vegas, the same questions, the same complaints and the same answers.
So it's no wonder snide, annoyed remarks will appear.Smokescreened84
whats funny is how incorrect -everything- you've said here is. Fallot 3 is not an Fps, correct, however it's also not an RPG with FPS elements. F3 plays as a bridge between the two genres, no more emphasis on one than the other, the game is not designed at all to be slow going, you can in fact run and gun through the whole campaign and complete the game fairly quickly. Fallout 3 is about choice, it lets FPS players have an FPS experiance, and it lets RPG players have an rpg experience, its about choice, there is no way to play this game incorrectly and to imply that there is is basically to poop on the vision bethesda had with this title. If they wanted to make a hardcore rpg for rpg fans, you would've never seen a first person sandbox, it would've been far more reminiscent of the earlier fallot titles and far less accessible, the fact that people who wouldnt traditionally pick up an RPG are in fact picking up fallout 3 is an immense step in terms of the genre, and guess what attracting non-traditional users does? it causes a decent amount of uncertainty and questions from the new market, want to see more and better fallout games in the future? then instead of being completely rude and elitist toward the new folks, answer their questions and try to be... oh I dunno, a human being?
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