I loved mass effect and hear some people say the two are kinda similar. is this true? can u make choices like in ME? Im sure the story will be rad in FO3 just was curious as to if were similar? if so how?
I loved mass effect and hear some people say the two are kinda similar. is this true? can u make choices like in ME? Im sure the story will be rad in FO3 just was curious as to if were similar? if so how?
I do not own FO3 yet, but from what I can tell there are some very significant choices that you can make such as saving a small town or blowing it to hell, or different ways into charming people or pissing people off which is pretty similiar to that of Mass Effect. But I am not so sure about the gameplay, the VATS could be kind of similiar to the pausing the game and using Biotics in Mass Effect... I have not seen enough 3rd person gameplay of FO3 to really tell if it handles like ME. But the choices you make seem to really effect the outcome of your character and the fate of others like in ME. Man ME is so awsome, everyone needs to play that game.. I hope FO3 is like ME in the sense I will freaking play it for hours on end! But I couldn't really get into Oblivion.....
that would b pretty cool if it was like ME, but i would like it 2 b even better which is how it's looking right now. My ME disk crapped out on me while i was just starting my 2nd playthrough.
I'm about 30 hours in and I'd say it's like a hybrid between Oblivion and ME. It's very clearly the Oblivion engine (down to some of the bugs) but it's far more dialog heavy than Oblivion. You can still expect some of the repetative dialog repsonses from different characters and also expect to hear the same voice actor over and over from time to time. The voice acting in general is not as high quality as Mass Effect.
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