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I think most people who played it were impressed... I actually 1000g'd it - which is VERY unusual for me. Â I loved it!
I liked it alot. Didn't feel characters had THAT much life in them, except Vaas, not even Jason felt very life like. I loved the game though. Not many people on MP when I had it though, reason why I sold it.Â
I'm kind of in the middle of the game now but I haven't been playing it lately. I agree with you though, this game was really fun while I was playing it and it was refreshing because the last Far Cry game I played was Far Cry: Instincts and that game BLOWS.
It's a good game but shows the hardware limitations a lot. I really enjoyed the first half of the game then it kind of got worse and worse with characters I didn't really care for. Great game a little ambitious, like I said it for sure shwos the limitations of the consoles.
I suppose I'm in the minority when I say I wasn't too impressed by this game, in fact FC3 didn't even make it in my GOTY list for 2012. Reason for that being is, the game started to really lose it's sense of survival and adventure the more you played. In the beginning, it felt like I was really on my own and everything on the island wanted my head on a platter and it felt awesome to explore everything and hide in a nearby bush to stay hidden from any passing enemies. Later on though, enemies are a sinch to take care of and the stealth really degraded with the more advanced abilities that you unlock and generally just wasn't as satisfying to me. Plus, the more you ended up playing the game, the less outposts and the less patrols would actually show up. Less enemies, even less fun.Â
Hunting wasn't entirely all that fun, at least better than AC3s horrid QTE hunts, bleh.Â
The characters were all rather bland and held no reason for me to care about them, and Vaas seemed to be the only one keeping the story alive, once he was dealt with I quickly lost all interest. I was hoping the next antagonist (I forget his name.) would breathe new life into the story again, what with the CIA guy hyping him up for so long, sadly I was disappointed there too.Â
The side quests fared no better in which many of themwere just fetch quests and while some held some promise as to how in-depth they were, they all ultimately fell short. Climbing towers felt more of a chore than anything, and tried to show you some interesting places to explore but turned out to be nothing more than  chest or two full a money that I already had my large wallet full to bursting with.Â
Of course the graphics were pretty decent at least for everything above water level. The underwater segments were less so, I swear I remember seeing somewhere that going underwater and searching for treasures was supposed to be "beautiful and amazing". The water looks rather horrible and completely took meout of the immersion everytime I went for a swim to find a shark or something.
Overall I would've rather have spent the $60 I spent on this game and bought something else worth my time. Hate all you want, but it's just my two cents.Â
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