So, after I heard M$ shut down Fasa, I went over to the forums to see what people were saying. This FormerCompanyMan dude makes some really good points.
First, he made a rather sarcastic comment (albeit very very true comment) about Crackdown Vs. Shadowrun.
So I did a little bit of snooping and I happened upon a tidbit of choice information...It would seem like someone in the Microsoft Games Scheduling and Design department screwed up and assigned the wrong team of developers to the wrong game.
Yeah! Turns out Crackdown was supposed to be a mindless, first-person, arena-based, teabag fest and Shadowrun was supposed to be a immersive, futuristic, urban romp with RPG-elements, selectable characters, non-linear story driven gameplay, and an option for cooperative multiplayer!
Ain't that the bee's knees? Anyway, no harm, no foul. You'll get it right next time, won't you Microsoft?FormerCompanyMan
At first, I was going to write this guy off as a loony, but once I thought about it, I literally shouted "WTF! He's right!"
Later in the topic, he came up with something that was equally sarcastic, and equally true.
Oh, I also happened upon a document detailing the discussion between the Shadowrun Representitive and the Microsoft Development Supervisor. I'll copy and paste it...Microsoft: So, Fasa. We're in the market to use another one of your IPs. We've usedBattletech and Crimson Skies, what else ya got?
Shadowrun Rep: Well, we do have this game called Shadowrun...
Microsoft: Shadow Run, huh?
SR: No no. Shadowrun. One word. You don't put an accent on the Run...
Microsoft: Right, Shadow Run. Anyway, what the game about?
SR: Well, it a futuristic game about magic returning the world...
MS: Magic? We like magic.
SR: too. Anyway, there's elves and dwarves and trolls...
MS: Elves and dwarves? In the future?
SR: Yeah. You know. Cause of the magic an what not? There's lots of cyberpunk stuff like cyberware and cool technology.
MS: Sounds good. We'll use it. What is it? Some kind of card game or board game?
SR: Uh, no. It's a role-playing ga...
MS: Sounds like a good first person shooter.
SR: Yeah, okay. It would be pretty cool as a nice, long single player...
MS: Nah, we'll make it multiplayer only.
SR: Thats not a bad idea. Cooperative multi...
MS: No, more like Unreal Tourny. Much cheaper then a story-driven game.
SR: I really think there should be a sto...
MS: When's this game take place?
SR: Well, the game takes place around the year 2060-2065...
MS: Nah. We'll make it 2030 or something.
SR: Why?
MS: Thats when my mortgage runs out. Sounds good huh?
SR: Well, not really...
MS: So, where is the game set?
SR: Traditionally, the game centers around the Seattle Metropl...
MS: Nah, let's make it Brazil or something.
SR: Hm..okay a city in Brazil might be...
MS: Not a city. We'll make it take place in some temple.
SR: A temple?
MS: Yeah, much easier to model a temple then a city. Textures are simpler too. So, you said there was magic. What kind of magic spells does the game have?
SR: Hmm...well there's the mana bolt, there's a....
MS: We'll just have teleporting spells and resurection spells.
SR: But that stuff doesn't exist in...
MS: So you can be humans, elves, dwarves, that is?
SR: No, there are orks too. They're pretty co...
MS: Orks? Aren't those the same as trolls?
SR: No, not really. Orks are much...
MS: Nah. Let's not put orks in the game. People will get confused. What kind of technology is there?
SR: Well, there are things like SmartLinks. They help you...
MS: I smell auto-aim! What's a Shadowrun anyway?
SR: Well Shadowrunners are mercenaries who do work for huge, monolithic corporations...
MS: Monolithic? That doesn't sound too good. Scratch the corporation thing. We'll just have one, not so monolithic corporation.
SR: I'm sorry, Micro, but this doesn't really seem like a Shadowrun game.
MS: Well, we just want to make sure it's not too hard for new customers to understand.
SR: What's hard to understand about the original game?
MS: Trust me. When you stick to the original content of an IP, it's much more difficult for people to grasp. They're the ones who are paying us, remember?
SR: Right, but can't we still make a game that sticks the original setting while still being a commercial success?
MS: Listen, we're making a game for the MTV generation. They can't be bothered with deep, immersive story, meaningful dialog, and orks.
SR: Soo...what are they looking for then?
MS: Today's gamers basically just want to shoot everyone in sight, squat on their heads, rubtheir sweaty testicular-skin on them, and then call them homosexuals.
SR: Right...
There you have it. The birth and death of Shadowrun.FormerCompanyMan
Well worth the read if you know what Shadowrun is. Also very funny (in a way).
Now, I know a ton of Shadowrun-FPS fans are going to come barking at me toting how "Shadowrun is one of the best FPS games of all time!" and "best xbox live game evar!1!!" That's fine. I don't blame you for enjoying a game. The point is, because Fasa and Microsoft turned their back on the fans, and decided to appeal to people who have no idea what Shadowrun actually is, they ended up shooting themselves in the foot. Had they spent a little extra time and effort to stick to the roots of the game and broaden the scope of it, they'd be sitting pretty on a much bigger pile of cash, and probably getting ready to make a sequal.
All I can say is, they got what was coming them. I'm glad there won't be another online-only Shadowrun FPS. I'd rather never see another Shadowrun video game then hear about how they're making another counterstrike rip-off.
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