Name your favorite series!Don't be a player hater!:)
What about the Grand Theft Auto series? Pretty big one to miss. That would be my pick.WoWCrazeAww crap dude you are totally right sorry guys!
Gotta go with CoD with this one.KamikazeDonut Yea... I voted for sports but I couldn't decide of Cod or Sports!
Call of Duty and Halo both at 38%.....thats awesome...Call of Duty is actually learn from it and its the greatest series ever made.
The Elder Scrolls, period.DmanxPS2Again! I love Elder scrolls But....Sorry to say you only get 5 answers!!!!
splinter cell and prince of persia and half life....there are lots of series I wouldnt call series two games like fable and gears in that case, what about kotor???? or farcry???? wich already has 4 games
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