First of all, I'd like to say I love the Xbox 360. It simply is the best. It just seems to me that they should offer free Xbox Live. I live in an area that doesn't offer high speed internet; so the only time that I can play online is when I go to a friend's house. When I owned my old ps2 this wasn't a problem. I'd plug it in and we'd be online. Now we can't do that. I'd have to pay for a membership when I'd only be spending about 1-2 nights a month on live. From Microsoft's standpoint, it doesnt make much sense either. Take a look at it this way. There are about 13-14 Million Xbox 360's sold as of now. M$ says that less than 75% of all Xbox 360 owners use Xbox live. So we'll say that M$ makes this much money per year off of Live: 13.5m(# of 360 owners) * 0.75 (the 75% of owners that use Live) * $5.00 ( monthly rate of Live) * 12 ( months in a year) = $607.5 Million/yr
While this may seem like a pretty decent profit, its hard to tell how many people it keeps from buying a 360. It is a fact that about 75% of gamers are casual gamers. Which means that they don't play religously. ( People that might only play live 5 times a month). These poeple aren't going to pay for online service, because they will feel like they're paying for something they don't use. This keeps casual gamers buying Sony consoles, which have free online. If M$ would change their live policy, not only would they make a lot more current owners happy they would sell a lot more 360's per quarter/year/etc. If you go back to M$'s approximate annual profit from live. $607.5 Mill / $399 (average 360 cost)= 1,518,750. This number represents how many extra units a year M$ would have to move to come even; instead of charging for Live. After coming even with that many units sold. That many more people will be paying a $60 price tag for a game after they buy a console.
In my opinion, and according to most statistics, I think that offering a free online service would sell MANY MORE units than 1.5M/yr. With less than a combined 35 million units sold in this gen; and looking at last gen units going beyond 210 million units. It is obvious that most/all of the hardcore gamers have bought their consoles, it is now up to casual gamers to decide where they will buy.
So basically if you didn't feel like reading my long and drawn out version... It would help previous consumers, future buyers, and M$ if they quit charging for Xbox Live. The only thing Sony has that the 360 doesn't completely blow away. Any questions, comments, critic on mistakes are welcome. Just please keep it on topic. Hopefully Microsoft pays attention.
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