This is just some useful information that it can be spread around here on Gamespot. Recently, my xbox 360 took another hit, and unfortuanatly it was not the RROD otherwise it would be covered by warranty. Actually, I got the "Disc Unplayable" message, yeah really sucks. I tried everything, so I had to break down and call xbox support. We all know that talking to xbox support is like trying to have a therotical conversation with your 3 year old kid. Anyways, after on the phone for over an hour, I was told that I would have to get it repaired for 100 dollars plus shipping. I pretty much told the guy to kiss my butt and let me talk to your supervisior. After waiting another 30 mins, I got to talk to a supervisior, I complained, and basically they gave me 50% off and fre shipping, haha, so this is just a FYI incase you come across this....Happy Gaming :-)
The Broken Xbox360 Thread is a great place to share ideas regarding your broken 360 or RROD or Microsoft Customer Serivce's repair policies, or anything else along those lines. Please don't make new threads to discuss them, use the one we've provided. Thanks.
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