In advance, I want to apologise to others who are sick of the Gamertag ideas topics...I'm looking for feedback from those of you already on XBL.
I am planning to get an Xbox 360 in the near future to go with my PS3 and Wii (mostly to play online with friends who already have 360's). I wanted to plan a Gamertag in advance so that I at least had an idea and wouldn't be scrambling to think of one last minute. My nicknames are Kominike (my name in a foreign language), Dom and Dommy. I was thinking something along the lines of Komikaze or Kominikaze (and I know it is actually spelled kamikaze) - the second one would be nice becuase the "mini" part in the middle is a good play on words regarding my height.:) However, neither of them flow particularly well when you have random people trying to pronounce them quickly over a headset. I had also thought about just using Dom or Dommy, but due to the large number of immature teenage guys on XBL, they would probably make some stupid comment about me being "dumb" or a "dummy". Another idea I'd had was to do something relating to the fact that I'm a girl gamer (:P), but again, I would probably get hit on or made fun of. If it's still available, I could use my GS username dj2 (FYI, it's actually dj squared).
Am I off on my assessment/feedback? Does anyone have any tips to improve my Gamertag ideas? Thanks to all - GS is always very helpful. :)
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