I only found out about this tonight, and I was wonder what the deal is.
If I was to recover my gamertag while on my friends Xbox, then I'd be able to play on my profile, right? So what exactly is echanged? Avatars? Gamerscore? Arcade games? Themes? What?
How safe is it to move your profile over and back like this? Has anybody ever had their profile "lost in the mail" so to speak? Could anybody else hack my profile if I were to use this feature. Would achievements gathered on anothers Xbox (on my profile) count when I return home? And how do I get my gamertag back onto my Xbox afterwards?
I know this is an ungodly amount of questions for one thread, and if I thought about this a little longer, I could probably think of more questions too. Bassically, I think the idea of gamertag recovery is great on paper, but I'm kinda worried about losing information along the way.
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