I havent bougth any games in about half year or more but now its time for gaming again and all the good games come out at once im getting all of these most of them comes 2008 it seems:
Mass Effect (XBOX360) [November 23rd]
Universe at war:Earth Assault (XBOX360) [2008]
Assassin creed (XBOX360) [November 2007]
Call Of Duty 4:Modern Warfare [November 4th. 2007]
Prototype (XBOX360) [2008]
Left 4 Dead (XBOX 360)[2008]
Alan Wake (XBOX 360) [2008
Turok (XBOX 360) 5,Feb [2008]
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (XBOX360) [November 2007/Start of 2008]
Kane & Lynch Dead (XBOX360) Nov 20, 2007
Army Of Two (XBOX360) Nov 13, 2007
Orange Box i'll get the 18th
maybe FIFA08
+ new Car i guess i'll go broke :S
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