I really think people are making a bigger deal out of this than it really needs to be. First of all, the main reason people are complaining now is because of the Bioshock review, because people these days have no self-confidence in their own spending and need everyone to say a game is an 11/10 or something.
But as far as the current system of rating, I dont think most people realize how much better it is. Like many people complain about on these forums, game reviews are another persons general opinion of a game (even if the review is done by 50 other people, it still is just their collective opinions.) Thus it is very difficult and actually innacurate to try and rate a game on a .1 scale because some aspects of a game as subjective to the player. For example, some gamers might really ejoy something, and thus give it a .8, but that same thing might not apply to someone else, and they might give it a .6, but its all based on opinions. So by having a .5 scale between ratings, it allows space for an opinion to be formed by THE GAMER. (yes, YOU have to have you OWN OPINION!!!) If a game gets a racing game gets an 7.5, but you know that you really love racing games, then you may need to apply that in you head to the score and realize that to you the game might be an 8.0.
Honestly, I think people are getting all upset NOT because of the review themselves, but just because of what the point value end of being and what that looks like to other people. These type of people don't care about whether a game is good or not, but they just want to say that one game is somehow better than another (hence all of the "Game A vs Game B" and "Game C or Game D" threads in these forums.) Who cares if one game gets a 9.0 and another gets a 9.5? They both are Great Games that you should atleast try if they are your taste....but its not about that apparently, its all about what everyone else thinks (from what board members are saying). However, I would say that if you can't make your OWN decision about what games your like or dislike, then you don't need to be playing videogames at all. Maybe you are not yet ready to make an educated decision of what fun and good is.
Finally, I hope you all realize that Gamespot allows YOU to review the games as well, so that anyone who may not think the way that any editor reviews a game is accurate, they can always read other reviews as well. Now I know the common response to that is something like "But they are professional editors and I dont want to trust a review by just some random person". And to that I say, exactly, they are PROFESSIONALS, and you most likely are not, so let them do what they are good at, and you do what you are good at. Good Day...
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