Gamespy Rating of Lost Odyssey 2.5 out of 5 stars
PROS:Pretty battles; occasional sweeping vistas; skill systems solid; balanced combat difficulty.
CONS:Story and characters shamelessly derivative; hideous load times; wide variety of technical issues; story signifies nothing.
The latest project from Final Fantasy creator Sakaguchi's Mistwalker studio, Lost Odyssey aims to ape the ****of ****c RPGs. While it's certainly playable, it feels like more of a relic than perhaps its creators intended. Basic features and dungeon design are handled with the graceful hand of a master designer, but that doesn't compensate for numerous gameplay, storytelling and technical issues. Fans of old-fashioned Japanese-****RPGs will doubtlessly find aspects to enjoy, but this is not the title that will vault Mistwalker to the triple-A status the studio's hype might suggest.
Lift and Separate
Lost Odyssey is basically a competent RPG, with a few wrenching stutters. The random encounters are spaced out well enough to give breathing room but also create tense situations as you try to hammer through a dungeon. Save points are frequent enough that you shouldn't worry about plunging into a dungeon for fear of having to turn off the game (and lose some massive quantity of unsaved progress) before you finish. Once you have the five characters needed to fill out a battle party you'll have plenty of actions per turn, hit points and magic points to play with. But combat is too basic to satisfy, the dungeons drive a half-hearted story, and it'll more than half-a-dozen hours before you get that full-sized party.
Characters are, largely, either fighters or magicians. There are four options for magic schools: black magic exploits elemental weakness; white magic heals and protects; "spirit" magic does unaligned damage and buffs; and the combination school of magic lets you put together some neat Spell A + Spell B tricks.
Mortal party members gain skills by leveling up and can use all of their skills at any time, while the party's immortals gain skills from items or from "linked" mortal party members and have a limited number of skills they can equip at a given time. Each defeated enemy, in general, grants one skill point toward mastering skills ranging from magic to swordsmanship. Item customization is limited to a skill-granting item, the craftable "rings," and your weapons -- that's it. If you think that sounds an awful lot like Final Fantasy games, get ready to think that quite a few times as we discuss Lost Odyssey.
The game's other main systemic twist is that your back-row characters are protected by a "wall." This represents the front row characters defending them, and the strength of the wall equals the starting hit points of your front-row characters. As the battle drags on and your front row gets torn up, the damage your back row takes gets worse and worse. In a combat system that wasn't so stripped down, wasn't competent yet so very basic, the wall system would be a lot more interesting. In Lost Odyssey, rather than take a risk with a tweaked combat engine, Mistwalker created just about the simplest combat resolution system possible. Have the most hit points and spend the most magic points, and you win.
Combat is simply a matter of grinding enemies down; using magic or the melee-enhancing "ring" abilities specific monsters are vulnerable to doesn't do much to alter the odds. Your enemies almost unfailingly have tons of hit points relative to your damage output, and high damage output (in terms of hit points or conditions) relative to your hit points.
Combat animations take an astonishingly long time, slowing down the siege combat even more. Enemies and combat animations are the prettiest part of the game, and are in fact stand-out examples of next-gen beauty, but by hour thirty you'll be cursing them. It takes an excellent designer to make the system work as well as it does -- hit points, magic points, damage output, save point placements, and combat occurance rates are just right for what the system tries to do. But this is, fundamentally, the combat system from Final Fantasy. It hasn't aged spectacularly well.
The problem is compounded since it takes almost the entire first disc to get a full party going. With less than five party members, the combat dynamics of damage absorption and dealing heavily favor the enemy, putting the player on the (slow, dull) defensive in a combat system that's already too slow and too dull.
Late in the game when your group is broken up into sets of two or three characters, the problem is even worse. Enemies do damage as if you had five characters to soak it up, leading to lots of frustrating game overs. Mistwalker needed to take some sort of risk here, either to speed up combat resolution or to give players the option to do something more interesting than pick which character has low hit points and cast heal on them. Persona 3 showed that a ****c JRPG could be modernized and still feel satisfyingly old-school; in contrast, Lost Odyssey seems stuck in the past.
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