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Can some1 tell me where they are located.thay are located in Boston, MA Washington DC, Orlando, FL, Franklin, KY, Dallas, TX, Sterling, CO, Sacramento, CA, Seattle, WA, Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL (opening soon if not already open). And yes you can have 6 games out at once. yes thay are good i get my games and movies in 2days! Â
If I do the 250 a yr for 6 games does that mean I can have 6 games out at once?
Can some1 tell me where they are located.
If I do the 250 a yr for 6 games does that mean I can have 6 games out at once?
All I know is that the site is fantastic!!
I love that site! :D
I have GameFly and I'm pretty disappointed. The availability for 360 games is horrible. I have 23 XBox 360 games in my queue and 20 of them are on Short Wait. If it doesn't get better soon I'm going to cancel and switch to GameznFlix.njdss4I like Gamefly there just too expensive, at least the new games that come out are available for like one week before it says "short wait". Heres a good site for those looking for all the video game rental places such as Gamefly, Gamelender, Gamerang etc Gamerang is pretty good 2 day shipping on some games I rented..although they did send me a unplayable scratched up copy of Saints Row.
My recomendation is dont use them.Ill tell you why,after gamefly pissed me off when i was on the sign up page asking to change the chat interface,(kinda fishy).I decided to research before I joined for other reputable deals.Well I finally decided on this Gameznflix .I almost didnt attempt because of no phone support.But the price was really good,I think it said 3 games out a month for less than what gamefly charges for 2.So ,I finally went to register got my credit card,filled everything out and clicked submit.Well I get a message that said address mismatch and incorrect civ number or something(the 3 digit code on sig section).It had a button to go back and correct,i should have known better.Well after like 4 attempts ,I only tried to change the capitals on my address some.It finally gave me a message about denied because of multiple attempts to charge.Well I knew the address and 3 digit code were right.Its the same one i use for XBL and have used for 2 years.I had money in there,everything was correct,i just said to myself,why didnt i just stop on the first error,they will probably try to multiple charge me or something.But, then I thought surely not,or they would at least send me an email saying what the problem was.Well they didnt send any email.So the next day i thought to myself,well i better check to make sure,so i got on XBL and tryed to buy microsoft points.DENIED,i tried again,no good.So i called the bank,they said the card was good and the money was there.Well i usually keep just 50 or 60 in there,cause i only use it on XBL.The lady at the bank said she would call someone then call back and tell me whats up.She called back and said this website had like 4 memos for 12.99 each pending.I was like what the heck?I know that a monthly is 12.99 i think,but they never emailed me a confirmation or anything.I flat out canceled the card and did a stop on all those transactions!A scam or what,I dont know .I know they sent no confirmation emails,i know my info was right,the money was there,I know i had to get a knew card .Its been like a week ago,and still no emails.I even went back to the site and tried to sign in with user and pass that I created,well what do you know,that user and pass didnt exist,but the charges towards my hard earned money did!Im just trying to give a fair warning so you dont screw up like I did.I think if i did it again i would choose gamefly or something?Are there any good ones besides Gamefly and this so called Gamez? 3rd360jesus what a big wall of text. it looks like its goin to fall on top of me. RUN AWAY!!!
[QUOTE="njdss4"]I have GameFly and I'm pretty disappointed. The availability for 360 games is horrible. I have 23 XBox 360 games in my queue and 20 of them are on Short Wait. If it doesn't get better soon I'm going to cancel and switch to GameznFlix.gamer092009I like Gamefly there just too expensive, at least the new games that come out are available for like one week before it says "short wait". Heres a good site for those looking for all the video game rental places such as Gamefly, Gamelender, Gamerang etc Gamerang is pretty good 2 day shipping on some games I rented..although they did send me a unplayable scratched up copy of Saints Row. Don't worry about the Short Waits on Gamefly. Most of the time, they'll ship same day as any other, unlike NetFlix short waits. A short wait just means that there aren't many copies sitting around, but usually a copy will come in every day. I've had almost all my short waits ship to me without skipping, and I've had Gamefly for almost 9 months.
[QUOTE="gamer092009"][QUOTE="njdss4"]I have GameFly and I'm pretty disappointed. The availability for 360 games is horrible. I have 23 XBox 360 games in my queue and 20 of them are on Short Wait. If it doesn't get better soon I'm going to cancel and switch to GameznFlix.GTZ2k3I like Gamefly there just too expensive, at least the new games that come out are available for like one week before it says "short wait". Heres a good site for those looking for all the video game rental places such as Gamefly, Gamelender, Gamerang etc Gamerang is pretty good 2 day shipping on some games I rented..although they did send me a unplayable scratched up copy of Saints Row. Don't worry about the Short Waits on Gamefly. Most of the time, they'll ship same day as any other, unlike NetFlix short waits. A short wait just means that there aren't many copies sitting around, but usually a copy will come in every day. I've had almost all my short waits ship to me without skipping, and I've had Gamefly for almost 9 months. I've had the exact opposite. If the game didn't say Available Now, it was skipped. I've had 13 XBox 360 games at the top of my queue since I got GameFly and the first time it skipped all 13 to a Nintendo DS game. Then I got number 7. Then I got number 12. Number 7 was Gears of War, and when I got it, it was scratched and would play for a little while then my 360 would pop up with the "Disc is unplayable" or w/e error.
I have because these is the only one that ships to Puerto rico but I really wanted gameznflix since it was lke 17.99 for three out a time and gottaplay is 20.95 for 2 out a time. Gottaplay has a lot of short waits and the new ones are long wait just about a week ago the orange box change to short wait and now like very other game that is on short wait somedays are available and other days are on short wait. The shipping is about a week to get here and a week to get there so, i sent a game and about 2 weeks from now I will get another game. Netflix is about a week and a half.
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