Like 3 million other people I've been playing the crap out of Gear of War and loving it...until lately. When I first started I was alright but, nowhere close to good but, I got better to a point where I generally rank in the top half of every match or win some even. Now, I find myself getting aggravated with the controls of the game which can possibly be due to on-line play or game design. Either way I find myself multiple times a night having a guy right under the barrel of my shotgun or whatever to pull the trigger and have myself blow up in some inexplicable turn of events. I don't know about anyone else out there but I'm starting to feel extremely limited in how I can control my character. More and more it just seems more detached and sluggish and there's so many times were I want to dive or punch or whatever but failed because I didn't start doing what I wanted to happen a second earlier. For a game so quickly paced and mainly full of one hit kills my character just feels too slow to me. I'm waiting for Halo 3 to hopefully rectify this problem. Anyone else agree? disagree? Can't wait to see the Transformers movie?
P.S. Why are wretrches harder to fight than any other enemy in the game including the corpser?
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