Dedicated servers would be pretty sweet, then gen007 wouldn't be able to use the "they were bridging D: D: D:" excuse anymore (or just say that random things are host bridging, y'know)
It would be sweet, but the impossibility of it is just too striking. Most people don't think of the details and facts when suggesting dedicated servers, logistically for an fps like gears, it's just staggering. The amount and cost of the machinery needed to host all of gears on a dedicated server is just ridiculous, then you have to consider the fact that an entirely new group of people would need to be hired specifically to set up the servers and then maintain them. Add to that, 1 centralized server location isn't going to help everyone, you'd need multiple server locations, then you'd have to split up the core group of gears gamers so that everyone is on their optimal server. After that, you'll have to deal with hugely increased downtime due to server maintenance, epic would probably have to charge you a monthly to play and you'd still all complain.
Host advantage in gears is pretty freakin weak though and epic definately needs to do something to fix that, maybe hardcode some lag for the host or something to that effect. Essentially what i'm saying though is 2 things, 1) Dedicated servers are not the bees knees and will not completely fix all your lag woes and 2) the amount of complaining would be 100% the same if gears was already on DS's.
one final note, i've seen alot of people saying lately that halo3 has the worst, complainiest, most insulting group of core mp users, but i gotta tell ya, i hear so much more random flaming and hate speak over gears than i do in halo that it's hard to comprehend where these people are getting there facts.
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