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microsoft has already stated they want to alternate the releases of halo and gears. This holiday is halo 3 and next year will be gears 2 then the year after that will more likely be halo wars then if there is one gears 3. JoshChambers
well i met a guy online who told me his dad works for microsoft too and that gear2 will have a beach volley ball section like doa, rayman raving rabbids minigames where the squad chuck sheep about and marcus shows his winkle to the camera
ZERO CHANCE, they're still working on Unreal Tournament IIIwildmattAgreed. GoW2 won't come out till 4Q 08, this is a long shot guess.
So I just got off Live playing GOW, and I spoke to some kid, who claims his dad works at Microsoft Studios.
He states that:
Gears of War 2 will allow players to play as both races, there will be new improved weapons,(what could top the chainsaw baonett) also there is supposedly going to be junkers playable in the multiplayer. As well as possible battles using this vehicle. Besides the junker there is going to be new vehicles. Also there is a possible release date of THIS DECEMBER. If that is true, im going insane till Christmas.
Remember all these claims our heresay and possibly speculative, please don't rant on me too hard about the spelling.
Tell your friends' dad that I would indeed like fries with my order.
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