Are there any Gears Of War replica guns on the market? Or paintball or airsoft guns which are 1:1 scale of the weapons in gears? Liscensed would be best!
An airsoft replica of the Lancer, Gnasher Shotgun, Longshot Sniper, Snub Pistol, Hammerburst, Boomshot, or even torque bow is something that I would be willing to pay hundreds of dollars for.
lol airsoft fight with the lancer with the chainsaw, "oh no im out of bb's oh wait i have a chainsaw lets rev up! hey you!" (hear kid screaming Ahhhhhhhhhh!)lol
well ive been thinking about it for some time and im thinking of making a replica airsoft gun for fun if it turns out right ill post a video on my youtube on how to make it for anyone interested
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