my opinion:
Graphics- Gears
Gameplay- Gears
multiplayer- Halo
Sound- Gears
Characters- Gears
Weapons- Halo
Vehicles- Halo
Overall- Gears of War give me your opinion.
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my opinion:
Graphics- Gears
Gameplay- Gears
multiplayer- Halo
Sound- Gears
Characters- Gears
Weapons- Halo
Vehicles- Halo
Overall- Gears of War give me your opinion.
myself, ive always liked gears. simply because gears of war is tactical and it takes a brain to play, on the other hand where we have halo where you charge at eachother with assault rifles and its pretty much whose going to hit melee first cuz thats where the fight ends. the game is pure luck.
im sorry man,but i played em both,and they do suck,im just sayin play a real fun game,ssbb,u will thank memetallicafan14
I have SSBB it's a great game but it's not as fun as those two games. Anyway i'd choose Halo 3 i've been a fan since the first and i've played all of the halo games. Just matters what i'm in the mood for the bloodiness of gears is just so amazing!
my opinion:
Graphics- Gears
Gameplay- Gears
multiplayer- Halo
Sound- Gears
Characters- Gears
Weapons- Halo
Vehicles- Halo
Overall- Gears of War give me your opinion.
Graphics: GeoW duh
Gameplay: GeoW
MP: Halo
Sound: GeoW
Characters: GeoW (Cole Train baby!)
Weapons: GeoW (chainsaw!)
Vehicles: Halo duh
Overall: I prefer Gears but will play either gladly...
I gotta go with Gears. I actually enjoy the MP more in Gears than in H3. I don't know it just seems to take more skill. GoW isn't as n00b friendly.
But that also has to do with host advantage and bullet lag, it takes a lot of time to get the feel for it.I gotta go with Gears. I actually enjoy the MP more in Gears than in H3. I don't know it just seems to take more skill. GoW isn't as n00b friendly.
[QUOTE="TheOnlyValius"]But that also has to do with host advantage and bullet lag, it takes a lot of time to get the feel for it.I gotta go with Gears. I actually enjoy the MP more in Gears than in H3. I don't know it just seems to take more skill. GoW isn't as n00b friendly.
Never had a problem with Host advantage and never was host.
Story:Gears(Halo story=dumb)
Cant put in vehicles because Gears has none except the thing that killed the Kryll
Graphics- Tie (Gears- characters..shiny. Halo- texutes, environments, water physics)
Gameplay- Gears
Multiplayer- Gears (it just feels way more satisfying to snipe someone in gears rather than halo, and the whole "revive your team mates" is pretty awsome.
Sound- Gears (the sounds the locust make are sick)
Characters- Halo
Weapons- Halo (a lot of variety)
Vehicles- Halo (obviously)
Overall- Although the two games are neck and neck with a lot of the features (imo) Gears has a slight edge due to its MP and "pretty looks".
Graphics- Gears
Gameplay- Gears
Multiplayer- Gears
Sound- Gears
Characters- Gears
Weapons- Gear
Gears of war!
myself, ive always liked gears. simply because gears of war is tactical and it takes a brain to play, on the other hand where we have halo where you charge at eachother with assault rifles and its pretty much whose going to hit melee first cuz thats where the fight ends. the game is pure luck.
gears of war doesnt take a brain to play, it takes LUCK. AND ONLY LUCK.
shotgun x factor says HI.
crabwalking says hi.
sniper active reload says hi.
host advantage says hi.
if your 4 friends i listed were fixed, then i could say gears takes a brain, and was a tactical multiplayer experience. but in reality, all gears multiplayer is, is active reload snipers downing everyone, shotgun dances until someone gets a lucky shot, and an invincible host with bullets that hit the way they are intended, and all clients with rubber bullets.
anyone that calls gears "tactical" needs to play gears more online.
[QUOTE="CBKING1"]myself, ive always liked gears. simply because gears of war is tactical and it takes a brain to play, on the other hand where we have halo where you charge at eachother with assault rifles and its pretty much whose going to hit melee first cuz thats where the fight ends. the game is pure luck.
gears of war doesnt take a brain to play, it takes LUCK. AND ONLY LUCK.
shotgun x factor says HI.
crabwalking says hi.
sniper active reload says hi.
host advantage says hi.
if your 4 friends i listed were fixed, then i could say gears takes a brain, and was a tactical multiplayer experience. but in reality, all gears multiplayer is, is active reload snipers downing everyone, shotgun dances until someone gets a lucky shot, and an invincible host with bullets that hit the way they are intended, and all clients with rubber bullets.
anyone that calls gears "tactical" needs to play gears more online.
[QUOTE="CBKING1"]myself, ive always liked gears. simply because gears of war is tactical and it takes a brain to play, on the other hand where we have halo where you charge at eachother with assault rifles and its pretty much whose going to hit melee first cuz thats where the fight ends. the game is pure luck.
gears of war doesnt take a brain to play, it takes LUCK. AND ONLY LUCK.
shotgun x factor says HI.
crabwalking says hi.
sniper active reload says hi.
host advantage says hi.
if your 4 friends i listed were fixed, then i could say gears takes a brain, and was a tactical multiplayer experience. but in reality, all gears multiplayer is, is active reload snipers downing everyone, shotgun dances until someone gets a lucky shot, and an invincible host with bullets that hit the way they are intended, and all clients with rubber bullets.
anyone that calls gears "tactical" needs to play gears more online.
Ok so tell me which games are tactical?
any game thats not gears of war
halo isnt tactical, but its more tactical than gears,
rainbow six
army of two (even though it sucked)
graw 1 and 2
as i said basically any game that doesnt replace SKILL with LUCK
any game thats not gears of war
halo isnt tactical, but its more tactical than gears,
rainbow six
army of two (even though it sucked)
graw 1 and 2
as i said basically any game that doesnt replace SKILL with LUCK
Halo is not more tactical then gears you said halo is not tactical then how can it be more tactical then gears?
your an idiot in gears if you just rush in. halo if you rush in and get hit then youll be like "ok it doesnt make much of a difference" in gears of war you cant cuz it will change the whole game the second somebody gets killed. and yes halo is luck because if it wasnt then the game would be more than a bunch of people jumping and using melee. now tell me im wrong but what percentage of deaths come from a melee in that game? try 99%
you really must be an idiot if you think i really mean 99% but yeah it does happen majority of the time. the game is square off with somebody run at him and whoever hits B 1st is your winner.CBKING1
They fixed the melee.. Not to mention not all people charge and melee people. That's like saying all people do in Gears is run around chainsawing people.
Thank you for backing me up. I appreciate it. :)Lance_Kalzas
You're welcome i just don't like it when people say all people do is melee. I rarely melee i prefer medium and long range fighting in halo. I avoid getting extremely close cause it gets boring running around in circles trying to hit the guy lol.
wow. thats all i gotta say. yeah i read ur post and u said, o know gaylo doesnt involve alot of meleeing and its tactical if you make it that way. yeah sure ur melee percentage might be low, but thats 1. i stopped playing the game because it was stupid, and i no, im not a run and gunner. also the fact you can run out into the battlefeild with a sniper that shoots crazy fast, and for the most part, you dont even need to scope. because thats snipers act. WRONG!
and for you run and gunners, you guys wouldnt get owned by an active reload if you took cover, thats why gears made that cover system, a little more realistic dont you think? last time i checked, somebody should be dead from 1 sniper shot. yeah i know it takes 2 in gears but when getting ready for the second shot, their at least on their knees. that makes a hell of a lot more sense than getting shot then jumping in the air 50 feet.
first of all, it automatically zooms out when you get hit so you actually have a chance to fight back. second, bungie didnt make halo to be realistic, they made it to be fun, which millions of people think it is. third, last time i checked, spartans have shields, so they wouldnt die in one shot. also, you just contredicted (not sure if i spelled that right) yourself because you were complaining about the sniper shooting too fast, yet you complain that its not realistic because you dont die in one shot. and in real life a sniper shoots about as fast as the sniper in halo, so in that aspect halo is more realistic. so dont even try to talk about realism in gears. its just as unrealistic as thats all i gotta say. yeah i read ur post and u said, o know gaylo doesnt involve alot of meleeing and its tactical if you make it that way. yeah sure ur melee percentage might be low, but thats 1. i stopped playing the game because it was stupid, and i no, im not a run and gunner. also the fact you can run out into the battlefeild with a sniper that shoots crazy fast, and for the most part, you dont even need to scope. because thats snipers act. WRONG!
and for you run and gunners, you guys wouldnt get owned by an active reload if you took cover, thats why gears made that cover system, a little more realistic dont you think? last time i checked, somebody should be dead from 1 sniper shot. yeah i know it takes 2 in gears but when getting ready for the second shot, their at least on their knees. that makes a hell of a lot more sense than getting shot then jumping in the air 50 feet.
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